Working With Standard Windows Controls

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

TestComplete provides extended support for standard Windows controls: buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, list views, tree views, and so on. These controls are automatically associated with Win32NNN test objects that extend the controls’ functionality with a number of supplementary methods and properties. These extended methods and properties let you perform various operations over controls, for example, select individual items or retrieve the item text.

The topics of this section provide detailed information about working with various Windows controls. They also include numerous code snippets that you use in your tests.

In This Section

Working With Button Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can interact with button controls from scripts.

Working With Check Box Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to work with check box controls from scripts.

Working With Combo Box Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to simulate various actions over combo box controls from scripts.

Working With DateTimePicker Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can simulate actions over date-time picker controls from scripts.

Working With Edit Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how to perform various operations over edit controls.

Working With Header Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to work with header controls from scripts.

Working With HotKey Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how to simulate user actions over hot key controls.

Working With IP Address Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how you can interface with IP address controls from scripts.

Working With List Box Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Contains information on simulating user actions over list box controls.

Working With List View Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to interact with list view controls from scripts.

Working With Menus in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can simulate various actions over menu controls.

Working With MonthCalendar Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to perform various operations over calendar controls.

Working With Radio Button Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to work with radio button controls from scripts.

Working With Scroll Bar Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how to simulate actions over scroll bar controls from scripts.

Working With Status Bar Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to work with status bar controls from scripts.

Working With SysLink Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how to work with standard Win32 SysLink control from scripts.

Working With Tab Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to work with tab controls from scripts.

Working With Toolbars in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can perform various operations over toolbar controls.

Working With Trackbar Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can work with trackbar controls from scripts.

Working With Tree View Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Describes how to interact with tree view controls from scripts.

Working With UpDown Controls in Desktop Windows Applications

Explains how you can simulate user actions over spin box controls.

Related Topics of Interest

List of Win32 Controls

Contains a list of test objects provided for standard Windows controls.

wText Property (HotKey Controls)

Explains the most common approaches for simulating user actions over applications’ controls.

Object Mapping

Explains how to associate a custom control with a supported control type.

wText Property (HotKey Controls)

Explains how you can work with owner-drawn controls from your tests.

Supported Controls

Contains a complete list of controls supported by TestComplete.

See Also

Object-Specific Tasks

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