Network Suite Editor

Applies to TestComplete 15.48, last modified on March 01, 2023

The Network Suite editor is used to view and modify network suite variables and properties and monitor the network suite execution.

The following topics describe the editor and its pages and explain how to work with them:

In This Section

About Network Suite Editor

Provides general information on the Network Suite editor.

Network Suite Editor - Properties Page

Describes the Properties page of the editor.

Network Suite Editor - Variables Page

Describes the Variables page of the editor.

Network Suite Editor - Run State Page

Describes the Run State page of the editor.

Related Topics of Interest

Network Suite States

Contains information on managing network suites.


Describes how you can change docking in TestComplete.

Arranging Columns, Lines and Panels

Describes how you can customize the TestComplete layout.

See Also

Distributed Testing Editors

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