Show Again Flags Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 15.48, last modified on March 01, 2023

The Show Again Flags options control which confirmation messages, dialogs, or warning TestComplete shows.

To call the Show Again Flags dialog, select Tools > Options from the main menu and then select General > Show Again Flags from the tree displayed on the left side of the resulting Options dialog.

If the appropriate module is installed, you can change the following options (otherwise, the options are grayed out):

  • General

    • Check for updates at startup - If this option is enabled, every time you start TestComplete, it checks to see if there are product version updates or browser support patches available, and if there are, it offers you to download them from SmartBear’s Web site. See How to Check for Available Updates section for more information.

    • Create aliases for child objects - You can create aliases for mapped objects in the Name Mapping editor by dragging an object from the Mapped Objects panel to the Aliases panel. If the selected object has mapped child objects, TestComplete can automatically create aliases for the child objects. This option specifies whether TestComplete displays a message asking whether you wish to create child aliases. So, if this option is enabled, you will be able to choose whether or not to create child aliases in each particular case. Otherwise, TestComplete remembers your last choice and does not display any messages.

    • Show the 'Add <ApplicationName> to the list of tested applications?' message - Specifies whether TestComplete will display a message suggesting you to add an application started during recording to the list of tested applications. For detailed information on recording the application’s start, see Recording Automated Tests.

    • Confirm enabling extended find for mapped objects - If selected, TestComplete asks for confirmation when you turn on Extended Find for objects in the Name Mapping editor. Extended Find allows you to create Name Mapping for applications with the dynamic object hierarchy, but it may also slow down object identification if used in excess.

    • Confirm applying Intelligent Fix changes - If this option is enabled, TestComplete will ask for your confirmation before applying the changes suggested by Intelligent Fix to a tested object’s identification properties.

    • Confirm to clear extra logs - If this option is enabled, when you open a project whose number of stored logs exceeds the maximum number of logs to keep, TestComplete will ask for your confirmation before deleting excess logs. Otherwise, TestComplete will automatically delete all excess logs.

    • Confirm to open shared logs - If this option is enabled, when you try to share a log that is already shared, TestComplete will ask you to confirm if you want to open the shared log or share the log again with other settings. Otherwise, TestComplete will show the Share Selected Log dialog in which you can configure sharing settings.

    • Show a notification of detecting physical mobile devices - If this option is enabled, when you try to connect to a mobile device from a project with Appium-based mobile support enabled and only physical mobile devices are found, TestComplete will show a notification suggesting setting up a local Appium server or enabling the legacy mobile support mode in your project.

  • Chrome

    • Show the 'TestComplete Chrome Extension Is Not Installed or Is Disabled' message - If the option is enabled, TestComplete will display a notification message when it cannot obtain web page information from the SmartBear Test Extension for the Chrome browser.

    • Show notifications on Chrome command-line switches - Specifies whether TestComplete will show notification messages when the Chrome browser was launched with incompatible or, on the contrary, without recommended command-line switches.

  • Data Generator

    • Confirm overwriting values in table variables - Specifies whether TestComplete will ask for your confirmation to replace values in a Table variable when you are going to use Data Generator to populate some column and some cells of this column contain data.

  • Firefox

    • Show the 'This Firefox Version Is Not Supported' message - If this option is enabled and TestComplete detects that you are trying to interact with a tested web application running in a Firefox version that is not supported, it will show this message. To learn which Firefox versions TestComplete supports, see Supported Development Tools.

    • Show the 'The Web Page Is Not Accessible' message - Specifies whether TestComplete will show a notification message when you are trying to explore a web page running in Firefox and the Firefox security settings are preventing TestComplete from accessing the page. To learn how to configure Firefox to allow TestComplete to access pages, see Preparing Firefox for Web Testing.

  • Flash and Flex

    • Show the 'Application was not prepared properly' message - If the option is enabled, TestComplete shows a notification message when you are recording a test and trying to perform any action over a Flash, Flex or AIR application that was not properly prepared for testing with TestComplete, or when you are trying to use the target glyph with such an application. To learn how to prepare Flash and Flex applications for testing, see Approaches to Testing Flash and Flex Applications. To learn how to prepare AIR applications for testing, see Preparing Flex-Based AIR Applications for Testing and Preparing HTML-Based AIR Applications for Testing.

    • Show the 'Firefox Is Running the Flash Player Plugin in Out-Of-Process Mode' message - Specifies whether TestComplete will display a notification message informing you that you are trying to test a Flash or Flex application displayed in Firefox and its Flash Player plugin is running in out-of-process mode.

  • Keyword Testing

    • Confirm converting descriptions to comments - You can convert keyword tests to scripts. If an operation has a description specified in the test, the description can be converted to a script comment. If this option is enabled, TestComplete displays a message suggesting converting descriptions to comments. For more information on converting keyword tests to scripts, see Converting Keyword Tests to Scripts.

    • Show code conversion warning - You can import existing keyword tests to your TestComplete project (see Importing Tests). If the imported keyword test contains the Run Code Snippet operation that executes a script statement written in a language that differs from your project’s scripting language, TestComplete converts the statement automatically. If this option is enabled, TestComplete displays a warning message informing you about the conversion. If this option is disabled, the message is not displayed.

  • MFC and VCL

  • Silverlight

    • Show the 'Partially Supported Silverlight Version' message - Specifies whether TestComplete will display a notification message informing you that you are trying to test a Silverlight application on a computer where a partially supported version of Silverlight is installed. With such a version of Silverlight, the TestComplete Silverlight Application Support plugin can only partially expose Silverlight objects of the application under test, and some objects may be not recognized properly by TestComplete. For more information on Silverlight versions supported by TestComplete, see Testing In-Browser Silverlight Applications - Requirements.

    • Show the 'Silverlight Application Was Not Properly Prepared for Testing' message - If the option is enabled, TestComplete shows a notification message when you are recording a test and trying to perform any action over a Silverlight application that was not properly prepared for testing with TestComplete and its Silverlight Application Support plugin, or when you are trying to use the target glyph with such an application. To learn how to prepare Silverlight applications for testing, see Preparing In-Browser Silverlight Applications for Testing.

    • Show the 'Silverlight Application Was Processed by Unsupported Version of tcAgPatcher' message - If the option is enabled, TestComplete shows a notification message when you are recording a test and trying to perform any action over a Silverlight application that was prepared for testing using the tcAgPatcher.exe utility’s version which is not supported by the current version of TestComplete, or when you are trying to use the target glyph with such an application. To learn more about preparing Silverlight applications with tcAgPatcher.exe, see Preparing In-Browser Silverlight Applications for Testing.

    • Show the 'Unsupported Silverlight Version' message - Specifies whether TestComplete will display a notification message informing you that you are trying to test a Silverlight application on a computer where an unsupported version of Silverlight is installed. With such a version of Silverlight, the TestComplete Silverlight Application Support plugin cannot expose Silverlight objects of the application under test. For more information on Silverlight versions supported by TestComplete, see Testing In-Browser Silverlight Applications - Requirements.

  • Stores

    • Confirm copying files to Stores folder - Enable this option in order to be able to copy files added to the Stores project item to the corresponding subfolders of the project’s Stores folder. By default, this option is disabled and TestComplete only keeps references to files instead of copying them.

      If the option is enabled, you will be asked whether you want to copy a file. Click Yes to copy the file to the Stores folder. Click No to keep a reference to the file without copying it.

  • Android

    • Warn if TestComplete Agent keyboard emulator isn't used during recording - If this option is enabled and you start recording a test on an Android device while the TestComplete Android Agent keyboard is disabled, the Mobile Screen window of TestComplete will show a warning message. We recommend that you use the TestComplete Android Agent keyboard to record text input on your Android devices. Otherwise, TestComplete may fail to record some input actions. To learn more, see About TestComplete Android Agent Keyboard (Legacy).

  • Azure DevOps / TFS

  • Project Explorer

    • Suggest configuring the number of logs kept in a project - Specifies whether TestComplete will suggest that you configure the number of logs that your project should store deleting all the excess logs automatically when you delete multiple test logs from your project manually.

See Also

TestComplete Options

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