Project Properties - Freeze Diagnostics Options

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023
Information in this topic applies to desktop applications only.

Use the Freeze Diagnostics options to specify how TestComplete should handle application hang-ups. Using these options, you can specify the applications, whose execution will be monitored by TestComplete, as well as the time period which is allocated for detecting hang-ups. If an application does not respond to user actions or operating system messages within the specified time period, the test engine treats the application as frozen and terminates it. To learn what this is done for, see Diagnosing Application Freezes.

To view or modify the Freeze Diagnostics options:

  • Open the Properties page of the project editor and then choose Freeze Diagnostics in the list on the left of the page.

TestComplete Project Properties - Freeze Diagnostics

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can change the following options:

  • Process filter mode - Specifies the filter mode used by TestComplete to select the applications to be monitored. The following modes are available:

    Mode Description
    Use all processes TestComplete will monitor all running processes for freezing.
    Use only tested applications TestComplete will monitor only the applications listed in the TestedApps project item.
    Use only selected processes TestComplete will monitor only the applications specified in the Process list.
    Ignore selected processes TestComplete will monitor all the processes, except for the applications specified in the Process list.
    Ignore all processes TestComplete will not monitor any processes.
  • Process list - Depending on the chosen Process filter mode, this setting specifies the processes which should be monitored or ignored.

    To add a process to the Process list, press the Add button and type the desired process name (only the file name, without the extension).

    To delete a process from the Process list, select it and press Remove.

  • Application hanging timeout, ms - Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) after which TestComplete terminates applications that do not respond.

The default values of the Freeze Diagnostics options that will be used in new TestComplete projects are specified in the Default Project Properties - Freeze Diagnostics Options dialog.

See Also

Diagnosing Application Freezes
Default Project Properties - Freeze Diagnostics Options

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