Message - Ambiguous browser recognition

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023

TestComplete posts this message to the test log if your test attempts to obtain an object corresponding to some web browser, but there are several browsers in the system that match the specified parameters.

That can happen when you are trying to obtain a running browser that has not been launched with TestComplete keyword-testing operations or scripting methods. A typical example is when --

  • You have two or more different browsers running in the system, and

  • These browsers were not launched from your keyword tests or test scripts, and

  • You are trying to obtain the browser using the following statement:

    p = Sys.Browser("*")

To avoid getting the message, launch the browser from your tests using special keyword-test operations or scripting methods. For complete information on this, see Launch Web Browsers.

See Also

Launch Web Browsers
About Testing Web Applications (Classic Approach)

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