Checkpoint Wizard - Selecting Data to Check (Property Checkpoint)

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023

On the Select Data to Check page, you select the object properties the property checkpoint will verify.

If you are creating a property checkpoint by using the Checkpoint wizard, click Properties. The wizard will show the list of basic (suggested) properties. Click More Properties to view all object properties and fields. If you are creating a Quick Checkpoint, the wizard will show the list of all properties and fields automatically.

  1. Select the property you want to check from the list.

    To find the needed property faster, you can type its name or value in the Search box. The wizard will filter out the property list according to the text you are typing.

  2. Select the Selected check box for the property you want to check.

  3. In the Condition column, select the needed verification condition.

  4. In the Value column, enter the expected value of the object property. By default, it holds the current property value.

    The object property value and the expected value should be of the same type. If the compared values are of different types, TestComplete will try to convert the object property value to the type of the expected value and then perform a verification. In this case, the comparison may be performed incorrectly.


Click Finish to exit the wizard and add the property checkpoint to your test or apply changes to the checkpoint.

See Also

Checkpoint Wizard
About Checkpoints
Creating Property Checkpoints
Quick Checkpoints

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