ParentTestItem Property

Applies to TestComplete 15.47, last modified on January 20, 2023


Test items can be organized in a tree-like structure. The ParentTestItem property provides a program interface to the parent item for the item that corresponds to the ProjectTestItem_COMAccess object.



Read-Only Property A ProjectTestItem_COMAccess object
ProjectTestItem_COMAccessObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a ProjectTestItem_COMAccess object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The ProjectTestItem_COMAccess object that corresponds to the parent test item.


The following example demonstrates how to access the project’s test item collection from a Visual Basic or C# application. The sample code uses the ProjectTests_COMAccess object’s properties to obtain the ProjectTestItem_COMAccess objects that provide a program interface to the project test items. The example displays a tree structure corresponding to the project’s test item collection structure.

Visual Basic

Sub Test()

  Dim TestCompleteApp As TestCompleteApplication
  Dim IntegrationObject As ItcIntegration
  Dim LastResult As ItcIntegrationResultDescription

  ' Creates the application object
  Set TestCompleteApp = CreateObject("TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication.15")

  ' Obtains the integration object
  Set IntegrationObject = TestCompleteApp.Integration

  ' Opens the project
  IntegrationObject.OpenProjectSuiteEx "C:\Work Folder\TestSuite\TestSuite.pjs"

  ' Needed to process errors
  On Error GoTo Err_Label

    ' Obtains the ProjectTests_COMAccess object
    ' That provides a program interface to the project's test item collection
    Set ProjectItems = IntegrationObject.TestSuite("TestProject")

    ' Determines the number of test items the project contains
    ItemsCount = ProjectItems.Count

    ' Iterates through the project’s test items
    ' And displays them in the tree view
    For i = 0 To ItemsCount - 1
      Set TestItem = ProjectItems.TestItem(i)
      Call PopulateItem(TestItem)

    ' Processes errors
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
    End If

  ' Closes TestComplete

End Sub

Public Sub PopulateItem(ATestItem)

  Dim ANode As Node

  ' Obtains the parent item for the current test item
  Set PTestItem = ATestItem.ParentTestItem

  If Not PTestItem Is Nothing Then
    Set ANode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(PTestItem.Name, tvwChild, ATestItem.Name, ATestItem.Name)
    Set ANode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(, , ATestItem.Name, ATestItem.Name)
  End If

  ' Checks whether the test item is enabled
  If ATestItem.Enabled Then
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "Enabled: " & CStr(ATestItem.Enabled))
  End If

  ' Checks whether the test item is a group
  If ATestItem.IsGroup Then
    Set GNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "Is a group: True")
    ' Obtains the test item description
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "Description: " & ATestItem.Description)

    ' Obtains the maximum execution time for the test item
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "Timeout: " & CStr(ATestItem.Timeout))

    ' Defines how many times the test item will be executed
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "Count: " & CStr(ATestItem.Count))

    ' Obtains the test item’s StopOnError property
    StopOnError = ATestItem.StopOnError
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "On error: ")
    Select Case StopOnError
      Case 0
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Continue running"
      Case 1
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Stop project"
      Case 2
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Stop current item"
      Case 3
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Use project's On error property"
    End Select

    ' Obtains the test item’s StopOnException property
    StopOnException = ATestItem.StopOnException
    Set TNode = MainForm.ItemsTree.Nodes.Add(ATestItem.Name, tvwChild, , "On exception: ")
    Select Case StopOnError
      Case 0
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Continue running"
      Case 1
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Stop project"
      Case 2
        TNode.Text = TNode.Text & "Stop current item"
    End Select
  End If

  ' Checks whether the test item has child test items
  If ATestItem.ChildCount > 0 Then
    ' Iterates through the child items
    For i = 0 To ATestItem.ChildCount - 1
      Set CTestItem = ATestItem.ChildTestItem(i)
      Call PopulateItem(CTestItem)
  End If

End Sub


using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using TestComplete;

public partial class MainForm : Form
  public MainForm()

  private void btn_Connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    const string TCProgID = "TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication.15";
    object TestCompleteObject = null;

    // Obtains access to TestComplete
      TestCompleteObject = Marshal.GetActiveObject(TCProgID);
        TestCompleteObject = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID(TCProgID));

    if (TestCompleteObject == null) return;

      // Obtains ITestCompleteCOMManager
      TestComplete.ITestCompleteCOMManager TestCompleteManager = (TestComplete.ITestCompleteCOMManager) TestCompleteObject;
      // Obtains the Integration object
      TestComplete.ItcIntegration IntegrationObject = TestCompleteManager.Integration;

      // We have a reference to the integration object
      // Now we can use its methods and properties to automate TestComplete

      // Loads the project suite
      IntegrationObject.OpenProjectSuiteEx("C:\\Work Folder\\TestSuite\\TestSuite.pjs");

        // Obtains the ProjectTests_COMAccess object providing a program interface to the project’s test item collection
        object ObjProjectItems = IntegrationObject.get_TestSuite("TestProject");
        TestComplete.ItcProjectTests_COMAccess ProjectItems = (TestComplete.ItcProjectTests_COMAccess)ObjProjectItems;
        // Determines the number of test items the project contains
        int Count = ProjectItems.Count;

        TreeView ItemsTree = new TreeView();
        ItemsTree.CheckBoxes = true;
        ItemsTree.ShowNodeToolTips = true;
        ItemsTree.Size = new Size(400, 200);
        ItemsTree.Top = 12;
        ItemsTree.Left = 12;

        // Iterates through the project’s test items
        // And displays them in the tree view
        for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
          TestComplete.ItcProjectTestItem_COMAccess TestItem = ProjectItems.get_TestItem(i);
          TreeNode TN = ProcessItem(TestItem);

      catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
          System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: " + ex.Message);
          // Closes TestComplete
          // Releases COM objects

  public TreeNode ProcessItem(TestComplete.ItcProjectTestItem_COMAccess ATestItem)
    TreeNode ATreeNode = new TreeNode(ATestItem.Name);
    string ToolTipText;

    // Obtains the parent test item of the current test item
    // And checks whether the parent item and the current item are enabled
    TestComplete.ItcProjectTestItem_COMAccess PTestItem = ATestItem.ParentTestItem;
    if (((PTestItem != null) && (PTestItem.Enabled) && (ATestItem.Enabled)) || ((PTestItem == null) && (ATestItem.Enabled)) )
      ATreeNode.Checked = true;
    // Checks whether the current test item is a group
    if (ATestItem.IsGroup)
      ToolTipText = "Is a Group";
      // Obtains the test item description
      ToolTipText = "Description: " + ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(ATestItem.Description)) ? "not specified" : ATestItem.Description) + "\r\n";
      TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE StopOnError = ATestItem.StopOnError;
      // Obtains the test item’s StopOnError property
      ToolTipText += "On error: ";
      switch (StopOnError)
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvNone:
          ToolTipText += "Continue running\r\n";
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvProject:
          ToolTipText += "Stop project\r\n";
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvTestItem:
          ToolTipText += "Stop current item\r\n";
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvProjectDefault:
          ToolTipText += "Use project's On error property\r\n";
      // Obtains the test item’s StopOnexception property
      TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE StopOnException = ATestItem.StopOnException;
      ToolTipText += "On Exception: ";
      switch (StopOnException)
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvNone:
          ToolTipText += "Continue running\r\n";
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvProject:
          ToolTipText += "Stop project\r\n";
        case TestComplete.TC_TEST_ERROR_PROCEESING_VALUE.epvTestItem:
          ToolTipText += "Stop current item\r\n";

      // Defines how many times the test item will be executed
      ToolTipText += "Count: " + ATestItem.Count + "\r\n";
      // Obtains the maximum execution time for the test item
      ToolTipText += "Timeout: " + ATestItem.Timeout + "\r\n";

    ATreeNode.ToolTipText = ToolTipText;
    // Obtains the number of the current test item’s child items
    int Count = ATestItem.ChildCount;
    // Iterates through the child items
    for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
      TestComplete.ItcProjectTestItem_COMAccess CTestItem = ATestItem.get_ChildTestItem(i);
      TreeNode CTreeNode = ProcessItem(CTestItem);


    return ATreeNode;


See Also

Working With TestComplete via COM - Overview
ChildTestItem Property

Highlight search results