Working With iOS Alert View Controls

Applies to TestComplete 15.46, last modified on January 09, 2023

An alert view is a control that displays a title and an optional message, and contains one or more buttons. This control provides some important information, or allows you to make some choice.

The topics of this section contain detailed information on working with alert view controls in TestComplete and provide sample scripts.

Note: The described support is available only if the tested iOS application and the computer where TestComplete is running have been prepared for testing in a special way. See Preparing Applications, Devices and Test Computers for iOS Testing.

In This Section

Working With Alert View Controls - Basic Concepts

Describes the general principles of working with alert view controls in TestComplete.

Getting Alert View Title and Message

Explains how you obtain the title and message text of an alert view control.

Getting the Number of Alert View's Buttons and Fields

Explains how to get the number of buttons and fields of an alert view control.

Touching Alert View Buttons

Explains how to touch buttons of an alert view control.

Getting Alert View Button and Field Text

Explains how you obtain the text of an alert view’s button or field.

Setting Alert View Field Text

Explains how you can enter text in a field of an alert view control.

Related Topics of Interest

Testing iOS Applications (Legacy)

Describes the most common approaches for testing iOS applications.

See Also

iOS AlertView Support
Testing iOS Applications - Overview (Legacy)
Object-Specific Tasks

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