Alignment |
Specifies the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text within the edit field of the component. |
AutoSelect |
Specifies whether the component’s contents is automatically selected when the component gets focus. |
BeepOnError |
Specifies whether the component beeps when a user enters an invalid value. |
ButtonGlyph |
Specifies the image to be displayed on the drop-arrow button of the TcxComboBox component. |
CaseInsensitive |
Specifies whether the mask is case-sensitive. |
CharCase |
Specifies the component’s text case. |
ClearKey |
Specifies the shortcut that will be used to clear the component’s edit field. |
DropDownAutoWidth |
Specifies whether the drop-down window automatically adjusts its width to the component width. |
DropDownListStyle |
Specifies the component's behavior when entering shortcuts that will be used to press the ellipsis button from the keyboard. |
DropDownRows |
Specifies the number of text lines in the drop-down window. |
DropDownSizeable |
Specifies whether a user can resize the drop-down window. |
DropDownWidth |
Specifies the width of the drop-down window. |
EditMask |
Specifies the mask that is used to validate the text specified in the control. |
HideSelection |
Specifies whether the text selected in the component appears highlighted when the component loses focus. |
IgnoreMaskBlank |
Specifies how the component validates the input value. |
ImeMode |
Specifies the mode of the Input Method Editor (IME). |
ImeName |
Specifies the name of the Input Method Editor (IME) used to process the keyboard input. |
ImmediateDropDown |
Specifies if the component displays the drop-down window when a user is typing characters within the edit field of the component. |
ImmediateUpdateText |
Specifies whether the component updates its text when a user navigates through drop-down window items using the keyboard. |
ItemHeight |
Specifies the items’ height within the drop-down window in pixels. |
Items |
Provides access to drop-down list items. |
MaskKind |
Specifies the type of edit mask used by the component. |
MaxLength |
Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the component. |
OEMConvert |
Specifies whether the characters that are input into the component are converted from ANSI to OEM and then back to ANSI. |
PostPopupValueOnTab |
Specifies whether the selected value of the drop-down list will be posted to the component when a user closes the drop-down window with the Tab key. |
Property |
Obtains or sets the value of the property specified by its index. |
PropertyByName |
Obtains or sets the value of the property with the specified name. |
PropertyCount |
Returns the number of object properties. |
PropertyName |
Returns the property name by index. |
ReadOnly |
Specifies whether the component is read-only. |
Revertable |
Specifies whether the component changes its text to the next item in the drop-down list on double-click. |
Sorted |
Specifies whether the component will automatically sort items of the drop-down window and displays the sorted item list. |
UseLeftAlignmentOnEditing |
Specifies whether the component’s text is aligned to the left in edit mode. |
ValidateOnEnter |
Specifies whether to perform validation of the value displayed by the component when Enter is pressed. |