Working With Android Time Picker Controls

Applies to TestComplete 15.45, last modified on December 01, 2022

Time picker (TimePicker) controls are used to show and change time. A user can touch or swipe the time picker, or enter text into it. TestComplete provides extended support for Android time picker controls.

TestComplete analyzes the control class names and automatically creates wrapper Android TimePicker test objects for time picker controls. These objects contain specific methods and properties for simulating user actions on time pickers and for retrieving their data.

Supported time picker classes are listed in the project’s Object Mapping options. You can extend this list, for example, add the class name of a custom time picker control used in your tested application, and thus enable the recording and scripting support for this control. For more information, see Default Project Properties - Object Mapping Options.

Note: The described support is available only if the tested Android application is Open, that is, if it was prepared for TestComplete (see Preparing Android Applications (Legacy)).

The topics in this section provide detailed information about working with time picker controls in TestComplete and contain script samples that illustrate the explanation.

In This Section

Determining and Changing Time Using Time Picker Control

Explains how to change time of the TimePicker control.

Determining Time Picker's Format

Contains information on how to determine the format of the TimePicker.

Related Topics of Interest

Testing Android Open Applications (Legacy)

Explains the most common approaches for working with Android Open applications.

Simulating Gestures (Multi-Touch Events) (Legacy)

Contains information on how to simulate multitouch actions in your scripts.

Simulating User Actions Over Android Devices (Legacy)

Explains the most common approaches for simulating user actions over Android applications’ controls.

See Also

Android TimePicker Support
Object-Specific Tasks
Supported Controls
Default Project Properties - Object Mapping Options

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