ProjectRoutinesIterator Object

Applies to TestComplete 15.44, last modified on November 10, 2022


The ProjectRoutinesIterator object provides a program interface to the collection of a project’s script routines. The object contains methods and properties that let you enumerate and obtain information about individual routines.

To obtain the ProjectRoutinesIterator object, connect to TestComplete via COM and use the ProjectRoutinesIterator property of the TestComplete Integration object. For more information, see Working With TestComplete via COM.

By default, the iterator’s position is before the first element of the collection. To obtain the first element, use the Next method. You can then call this method to iterate through the collection. The method returns the ScriptRoutine that provides information about a script routine.

To determine whether the iterator is on the collection’s last element, call the HasNext method.

To set the iterator to the initial position, call Reset.



The following example demonstrates how to obtain information on the script routines that belong to the specified test project. The sample Visual Basic and C# applications obtain the script routines and display information on them.

Visual Basic

Sub MySub
  ' Initializes variables
  sProjectNameFileName = "C:\Work Folder\TestSuite\TestSuite.pjs"
  sProjectName = "TestProject_VB"

  ' Creates the application object
  Set TestCompleteApp = CreateObject("TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication.15")

  ' Obtains the integration object
  Set IntegrationObject = TestCompleteApp.Integration

  ' Opens the project
  IntegrationObject.OpenProjectSuiteEx sProjectNameFileName

  ' Needed to process errors
  On Error GoTo Err_Label

  UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = ""
  UserForm1.Label1.Caption = ""

  ' Obtains the RoutinesIterator object
  Set RoutinesIterator = IntegrationObject.ProjectRoutinesIterator(sProjectName)
  Params = ""
  Info = ""

  ' Obtains the script routine
  Set Routine = RoutinesIterator.Next
  ' Posts information on the project and project suite
  Info = "Project: " & Routine.ProjectName & vbCrLf & _
          "Project File: " & Routine.ProjectFileName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
          "Project Suite: " & Routine.ProjectSuiteName & vbCrLf & _
          "Project Suite File: " & Routine.ProjectSuiteFileName
  UserForm1.Label1.Caption = Info
  Info = ""
  ' Iterates through the project’s routines
  While RoutinesIterator.HasNext
    Set Routine = RoutinesIterator.Next

    If Routine.ParamCount > 0 Then
       Params = "("
      For i = 0 To Routine.ParamCount - 2
        Params = Params & Routine.ParamType(i) & " : " & Routine.ParamName(i) & "; "
      Next i

      Params = Params & Routine.ParamType(Routine.ParamCount - 1) & " : " & _
               Routine.ParamName(Routine.ParamCount - 1) & ")"
       Params = ""
    End If

    ' Displays information on the routine
    Info = Info & "Routine: " & Routine.Name & Params & vbCrLf & _
           "Unit: " & Routine.UnitName & vbCrLf & _
           "Script language: " & Routine.Language & vbCrLf & _
           "Tree path: " & Routine.ProjectExplorerTreePath & vbCrLf & _
           "Script File: " & Routine.ScriptFileName & vbCrLf
    Info = Info & vbCrLf

  UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = Info
  ' Processes errors
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "An error has occurred while processing the script routines: " + Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
  End If

  ' Quits TestComplete
End Sub


// Add the following lines to your code
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using TestComplete;

public partial class Form1 : Form

  public Form1()
  private void btn_Connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    const string TCProgID = "TestComplete.TestCompleteApplication.15";
    object TestCompleteObject = null;

    // Obtains access to TestComplete
      TestCompleteObject = Marshal.GetActiveObject(TCProgID);
        TestCompleteObject = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID(TCProgID));

    if (TestCompleteObject == null) return;

    // Obtains ITestCompleteCOMManager
    TestComplete.ITestCompleteCOMManager TestCompleteManager = (TestComplete.ITestCompleteCOMManager) TestCompleteObject;
    // Obtains Integration object
    TestComplete.ItcIntegration IntegrationObject = TestCompleteManager.Integration;

    // Loads the project suite
    IntegrationObject.OpenProjectSuiteEx("C:\\Work Folder\\TestSuite\\TestSuite.pjs");

      // Obtains script routines of the TestProject_VB project and displays their names
      TestComplete.ItcEnumScriptRoutine RoutinesIterator = IntegrationObject.get_ProjectRoutinesIterator("TestProject_VB");

      // Creates a list view that will display information on the project script routines
      ListView NewRoutinesList = new ListView();
      NewRoutinesList.View = View.Details;
      NewRoutinesList.FullRowSelect = true;
      NewRoutinesList.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending;
      NewRoutinesList.Size = new Size(400, 200);
      NewRoutinesList.Top = 41;
      NewRoutinesList.Left = 12;

      // Create columns for the routines information
      NewRoutinesList.Columns.Add("Project File");
      NewRoutinesList.ShowItemToolTips = true;

      // Creates a text box that will display information on the current project suite
      RichTextBox InfoTextBox = new RichTextBox();
      InfoTextBox.Size = new Size(400, 35);
      InfoTextBox.Top = 300;
      InfoTextBox.Left = 12;
      InfoTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
      InfoTextBox.Enabled = false;

      // Obtains the project’s script routines
      TestComplete.ItcScriptRoutine Routine = RoutinesIterator.Next;

      InfoTextBox.Text = Routine.ProjectSuiteName + "\r\n" + Routine.ProjectSuiteFileName;

      // Sets the iterator to the initial position

      // Iterates through the project routines and adds information on them to the list view
      while (RoutinesIterator.HasNext())
        // Obtains the script routine
        Routine = RoutinesIterator.Next;
        // Adds project routine to the list
        string name;
        name = Routine.Name;
        if (Routine.ParamCount != 0)
          name = name + "(";
          for (var i = 0; i < Routine.ParamCount - 1; i++)
            name = name + Routine.get_ParamType(i) + " : " + Routine.get_ParamName(i) + "; ";
          name = name + Routine.get_ParamType(Routine.ParamCount - 1) + " : " + Routine.get_ParamName(Routine.ParamCount - 1) + ")";

        ListViewItem newitem = new ListViewItem(name, 0);
        newitem.ToolTipText = Routine.ScriptFileName;
        NewRoutinesList.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] { newitem });
      // Adds the list view to the form


    catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
      System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: " + ex.Message);

      // Releases COM objects

See Also

ProjectRoutinesIterator Property
ScriptRoutine Object
Working With TestComplete via COM - Overview

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