ExcelFile.AddSheet Method

Applies to TestComplete 15.44, last modified on November 10, 2022

Note: To work with Excel files in your tests, you do not need to have Microsoft Office Excel installed on your computer.


The ExcelFile.AddSheet method adds a new sheet with the specified title to an Excel file.



SheetTitle [in]    Required    String    
Result An ExcelSheet object

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameter:


A title of the sheet that will be added.

If a sheet with the specified title already exists in the file, an error will occur.

Result Value

An ExcelSheet object that corresponds to the added sheet. To perform operations over the created sheet, use the methods and properties of the returned object.


The code below demonstrates how you can use the ExcelFile.AddSheet method in your script:

Note: To check if the sheet with the specified title already exists in the file, the sample code uses the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine.


// A helper routine
// Check if the Excel file has a sheet with the specified title
function SheetWithTitleExists(aFile, aTitle)
  if (! equal(aFile, null))
    if (aFile.SheetCount > 0)
      for (let i = 0; i < aFile.SheetCount; i++)
        if (equal(aFile.SheetByIndex(i).Title, aTitle))
          return true;
      return false;
      return false;

function ExcelExample()
  var fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage.xlsx"
  var sheetName = "Sheet1";
  var rowIndex;

  // Set data to write into the file
  var currentTime = aqDateTime.Now();
  var cpu = Sys.CPU;

  if (aqFileSystem.Exists(fileName))
  // Get the sheet of the Excel file
  var excelFile = Excel.Open(fileName);

  // Use the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine
  // to check if the sheet with the specified title exists in the file
  if (SheetWithTitleExists(excelFile, sheetName))
      var excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle(sheetName);
      rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount;
      Log.Message(aqString.Format("The %s sheet does not exist and will be added.", sheetName));
      var excelSheet = excelFile.AddSheet(sheetName);
      rowIndex = 1;
  // Write data into the file
  excelSheet.Cell("A", rowIndex).Value = aqDateTime.Now();
  excelSheet.Cell(2, rowIndex).Value = Sys.CPU;

  // Save the file to apply the changes

  // Save the file with another name
  // fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage_new.xlsx";
  // excelFile.SaveAs(fileName);
    Log.Error(aqString.Format("The %s file does not exist.", fileName));



// A helper routine
// Check if the Excel file has a sheet with the specified title
function SheetWithTitleExists(aFile, aTitle)
  if (aFile != null)
    if (aFile.SheetCount > 0)
      for (var i = 0; i < aFile.SheetCount; i++)
        if (aFile.SheetByIndex(i).Title == aTitle)
          return true;
      return false;
      return false;

function ExcelExample()
  var fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage.xlsx"
  var sheetName = "Sheet1";
  var rowIndex;

  // Set data to write into the file
  var currentTime = aqDateTime.Now();
  var cpu = Sys.CPU;

  if (aqFileSystem.Exists(fileName))
  // Get the sheet of the Excel file
  var excelFile = Excel.Open(fileName);

  // Use the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine
  // to check if the sheet with the specified title exists in the file
  if (SheetWithTitleExists(excelFile, sheetName))
      var excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle(sheetName);
      rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount;
      Log.Message(aqString.Format("The %s sheet does not exist and will be added.", sheetName));
      var excelSheet = excelFile.AddSheet(sheetName);
      rowIndex = 1;
  // Write data into the file
  excelSheet.Cell("A", rowIndex).Value = aqDateTime.Now();
  excelSheet.Cell(2, rowIndex).Value = Sys.CPU;

  // Save the file to apply the changes

  // Save the file with another name
  // fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage_new.xlsx";
  // excelFile.SaveAs(fileName);
    Log.Error(aqString.Format("The %s file does not exist.", fileName));



# A helper routine
# Check if the Excel file has a sheet with the specified title
def SheetWithTitleExists(aFile, aTitle):
  if (aFile != None):
    if (aFile.SheetCount > 0):
      for i in range (0, aFile.SheetCount - 1):
        if (aFile.SheetByIndex[i].Title == aTitle):
          return True
      return False
      return False

def ExcelExample():
  fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage.xlsx"
  sheetName = "Sheet1"

  # Set data to write into the file
  currentTime = aqDateTime.Now()
  cpu = Sys.CPU

  if (aqFileSystem.Exists(fileName)):
    # Get the sheet of the Excel file
    excelFile = Excel.Open(fileName)

    # Use the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine 
    # to check if the sheet with the specified title exists in the file
    if (SheetWithTitleExists(excelFile, sheetName)):
      excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle[sheetName]
      rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount + 1
      Log.Message(aqString.Format("The %s sheet does not exist and will be added.", sheetName))
      excelSheet = excelFile.AddSheet(sheetName)
      rowIndex = 1
    # Write data into the file
    excelSheet.Cell["A", rowIndex].Value = aqDateTime.Now()
    excelSheet.Cell[2, rowIndex].Value = Sys.CPU

    # Save the file to apply the changes

    # Save the file with another name
    # fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage_new.xlsx"
    # excelFile.SaveAs(fileName)
    Log.Error(aqString.Format("The %s file does not exist.", fileName))


Sub ExcelExample
  Dim excelFile, excelSheet, valueA, valueB, valueC, rowIndex
  ' Get the sheet of the Excel file
  Set excelFile = Excel.Open("C:\temp\DataStorageExcel.xlsx")
  Set excelSheet = excelFile.SheetByTitle("Sheet1")
  ' Read data from the Excel file
  valueA = excelSheet.Cell("A", 3).Value
  valueB = excelSheet.Cell(2, 3).Value
  valueС = excelSheet.CellByName("C3").Value
  ' Write the obtained data into a new row of the file
  rowIndex = excelSheet.RowCount + 1
  excelSheet.Cell("A", rowIndex).Value = valueA
  excelSheet.Cell(2, rowIndex).Value = valueB
  excelSheet.Cell("C", rowIndex).Value = valueC
  ' Save the file to apply the changes
  ' Save the file with another name
  ' excelFile.SaveAs("C:\temp\DataStorageExcel_new.xlsx")
End Sub


// A helper routine
// Check if the Excel file has a sheet with the specified title
function SheetWithTitleExists(aFile, aTitle);
var i;
  Result : = false;
  if aFile <> nil then
    if aFile.SheetCount > 0 then
      for i := 0 to aFile.SheetCount - 1 do
        if (aFile.SheetByIndex(i).Title = aTitle) then
          Result := true;

procedure ExcelExample();
var fileName, sheetName, rowIndex, currentTime, cpu, excelFile, excelSheet;
  fileName := 'C:\\temp\\DataStorage.xlsx';
  sheetName := 'Sheet1';

  // Set data to write into the file
  currentTime := aqDateTime.Now();
  cpu := Sys.CPU;

  if aqFileSystem.Exists(fileName) then
  // Get the sheet of the Excel file
  excelFile := Excel.Open(fileName);

  // Use the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine
  // to check if the sheet with the specified title exists in the file
  if SheetWithTitleExists(excelFile, sheetName) then
      excelSheet := excelFile.SheetByTitle(sheetName);
      rowIndex := excelSheet.RowCount + 1;
      Log.Message(aqString.Format('The %s sheet does not exist and will be added.', sheetName));
      excelSheet := excelFile.AddSheet(sheetName);
      rowIndex := 1;
  // Write data into the file
  excelSheet.Cell('A', rowIndex).Value := aqDateTime.Now();
  excelSheet.Cell(2, rowIndex).Value := Sys.CPU;

  // Save the file to apply the changes

  // Save the file with another name
  // fileName := 'C:\\temp\\DataStorage_new.xlsx'";
  // excelFile.SaveAs(fileName);
    Log.Error(aqString.Format('The %s file does not exist.', fileName));


C++Script, C#Script

// A helper routine
// Check if the Excel file has a sheet with the specified title
function SheetWithTitleExists(aFile, aTitle)
  if (aFile != null)
    if (aFile["SheetCount"] > 0)
      for (var i = 0; i < aFile["SheetCount"]; i++)
        if (aFile["SheetByIndex"](i)["Title"] == aTitle)
          return true;
      return false;
      return false;

function ExcelExample()
  var fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage.xlsx"
  var sheetName = "Sheet1";
  var rowIndex;

  // Set data to write into the file
  var currentTime = aqDateTime["Now"]();
  var cpu = Sys["CPU"];

  if (aqFileSystem["Exists"](fileName))
  // Get the sheet of the Excel file
  var excelFile = Excel["Open"](fileName);

  // Use the SheetWithTitleExists helper routine
  // to check if the sheet with the specified title exists in the file
  if (SheetWithTitleExists(excelFile, sheetName))
      var excelSheet = excelFile["SheetByTitle"](sheetName);
      rowIndex = excelSheet["RowCount"];
      Log.Message(aqString.Format("The %s sheet does not exist and will be added.", sheetName));
      var excelSheet = excelFile["AddSheet"](sheetName);
      rowIndex = 1;
  // Write data into the file
  excelSheet["Cell"]("A", rowIndex)["Value"] = aqDateTime["Now"]();
  excelSheet["Cell"](2, rowIndex)["Value"] = Sys["CPU"];

  // Save the file to apply the changes

  // Save the file with another name
  // fileName = "C:\\temp\\DataStorage_new.xlsx";
  // excelFile["SaveAs"](fileName);
    Log["Error"](aqString["Format"]("The %s file does not exist.", fileName));


See Also

ExcelFile Object
Working with Microsoft Excel Files

Highlight search results