aqFileSystem.FindFolders Method

Applies to TestComplete 15.44, last modified on November 10, 2022


Use the FindFolders method to search the specified folder for all the subfolders matching the given pattern. To search for files of a given folder, use the FindFiles method.


aqFileSystem.FindFolders(Path, SearchPattern, SearchInSubDirs)

Path [in]    Required    String    
SearchPattern [in]    Required    String    
SearchInSubDirs [in]    Optional    Boolean Default value: False   
Result The aqObjIterator object.

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameters:


Specifies the location (the fully qualified path) where the search will be performed.

The Path parameter may or may not include a trailing backslash (\). You can add a trailing backslash to or remove it from the path by using the IncludeTrailingBackSlash or ExcludeTrailingBackSlash method.


Specifies the names of the folders to search. A name can include the * and ? wildcard characters. An asterisk corresponds to a string of any length, a question mark - to any single character.


Specifies whether to perform the search in the subfolders of the folder specified by the Path parameter.

If SearchInSubDirs is False, which is the default value, no search in subfolders is performed. Otherwise, the method performs the search both in a specified folder and in its subfolders.

Result Value

The aqObjIterator object whose items are aqFolderInfo objects that store information about the matching folders. If no matching folders were found, the method returns an empty object (null in JavaScript, JScript, C#Script and C++Script, None in Python, Nothing in VBScript, nil in DelphiScript).

To get information about an individual folder, you can call the iterator’s Next or Item method and use the properties of the returned aqFolderInfo object.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this method. It searches for the folders that contain the Work string in their names and are located on the D drive.


function FolderFinder()
  var foundFolders, aFolder;
  foundFolders = aqFileSystem.FindFolders("D:\\", "*Work*");
  if (!strictEqual(foundFolders, null))
    while (foundFolders.HasNext())
      aFolder = foundFolders.Next();
    Log.Message("No folders were found.");


function FolderFinder()
  var foundFolders, aFolder;
  foundFolders = aqFileSystem.FindFolders("D:\\", "*Work*");
  if (foundFolders != null)
    while (foundFolders.HasNext())
      aFolder = foundFolders.Next();
    Log.Message("No folders were found.");


def FolderFinder():
  foundFolders = aqFileSystem.FindFolders("D:\\", "*Work*")
  if foundFolders != None:
    while foundFolders.HasNext():
      aFolder = foundFolders.Next()
    Log.Message("No folders were found.")


Sub FolderFinder
  Set foundFolders = aqFileSystem.FindFolders("D:\", "*Work*")
  If Not foundFolders Is Nothing Then
     While foundFolders.HasNext
       Set aFolder = foundFolders.Next
       Log.Message aFolder.Path
      Log.Message "No folders were found."
  End If
End Sub


procedure FolderFinder;
var foundFolders, aFolder;
  foundFolders := aqFileSystem.FindFolders('D:\', '*Work*');
  if foundFolders <> nil then
    while foundFolders.HasNext do
      aFolder := foundFolders.Next;
    Log.Message('No folders were found.');

C++Script, C#Script

function FolderFinder()
  var foundFolders, aFolder;
  foundFolders = aqFileSystem["FindFolders"]("D:\\", "*Work*");
  if (foundFolders != null)
    while (foundFolders["HasNext"]())
      aFolder = foundFolders["Next"]();
    Log["Message"]("No folders were found.");

See Also

Working With Files From Scripts
aqObjIterator Object
aqFolderInfo Object
FindFiles Method

Highlight search results