Code Editor Options

Applies to TestComplete 15.42, last modified on September 08, 2022

You can customize the appearance and behavior of the Code Editor in TestComplete by using various editor options.

To view and modify the options:

  • Click Call the Panel Options Dialog on the Code Editor toolbar.

– or –

  • Right-click somewhere in the Editor and choose Panel Options from the context menu.

– or –

  • Select Tools > Options from the TestComplete main menu and then choose Panels TestComplete Code Editor on the left of the subsequent dialog.

The editor options are organized into the following groups:

  • General - Settings of this group define common functions of the editor.

  • Code Templates - Settings of this group let you define code template macros for scripts.

  • Display - This group holds settings concerning how the editor shows text (wordwrap, right border, etc.).

  • Editing - This group holds settings concerning how the editor formats text (indent, etc.).

  • Highlighting - This group holds settings for syntax highlighting.

  • User Keywords Options - Settings of this group let you define words, for which the editor will use special highlighting style. For instance, you can make the editor highlight the Process and Window words with red (contrary to other method names).

See Also

Code Editor

Highlight search results