Testing Mobile Web Applications Using Emulator

Applies to TestComplete 15.40, last modified on July 05, 2022

Using TestComplete, you can create and run automated tests for mobile web applications and web sites without having real mobile devices. For example, you can –

  • Perform functional and GUI testing of mobile web applications and web sites.

  • Test mobile web sites for cross-platform mobile compatibility.

  • Verify that a mobile web site provides platform-specific content for different mobile devices.

In This Section

Testing Mobile Web Applications Using Emulator - Overview

Describes the general principles of mobile web testing with TestComplete.

Requirements for Mobile Web Testing Using Emulator

Describes the software, TestComplete plugins and settings needed to perform mobile web testing.

Considerations for Mobile Web Testing Using Emulator

Describes the specifics of mobile web testing with TestComplete.

Creating Mobile Browser Profiles

Explains how to create mobile browser profiles with different user agents and screen sizes.

Launching Mobile Browser Emulator

Explains how to start the mobile browser emulator during test recording, at design time and from tests.

Changing Mobile Browser Orientation

Explains how to switch between the portrait and landscape modes from tests.

Creating Cross-Browser Mobile Web Tests Using Emulator

Explains how to create a mobile web test that runs using different mobile browser profiles.

Support for Mobile Web Controls

Describes automated testing support for objects in mobile web applications.

Specifying Additional Parameters for Mobile Browser Emulator

Explains how to set command-line parameters for the mobile browser emulator to customize its behavior.

Adding Mobile Browser Emulator to TestedApps

Explains how to add the mobile browser emulator to the list of tested applications to be able to quickly launch it at design time.

Testing Mobile Web Applications Using Emulator - Tutorial

A step-by-step tutorial for creating a sample cross-browser mobile web test.

Related Topics of Interest

Mobile Web Testing on Real Devices

Explains how to test web applications on real iOS and Android devices.

Testing Mobile Applications

Provides information on testing iOS and Android applications.

Classic Web Testing

Provides information on testing web applications in desktop browsers.

See Also

Mobile Web Testing

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