Browsers.RemoteItem Property

Applies to TestComplete 15.31, last modified on March 17, 2022


Use the Browsers.RemoteItem property to access a web browser controlled by a Selenium WebDriver. It can be:

  • A headless browser on a local computer.

  • A web browser installed on a remote computer in your local network.

  • A web browser running in a remote environment managed by Selenium Grid. In its turn, it can be your private Selenium Grid or a third-party Selenium Grid provided, for instance, by


Browsers.RemoteItem(HubUrl, Capabilities)

Read-Only Property A BrowserInfo object
HubUrl [in]    Required    String    
Capabilities [in]    Required    Object    

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:


The property has the following parameters:


Specifies the URL of the hub that manages the browser you want to access. It can be a private hub running on your local computer or on a remote computer in your local network, or it can be Selenium Grid provided as a service by a third-party provider, for instance,

If you have support for local headless browsers enabled, to access them, use the localhost value.

To access the device cloud provided by, use the value.


An object that describes the desired capabilities of the target environment. Which capabilities to use depend on the environment provider.

Property Value

A BrowserInfo object that provides a scripting interface to the desired browser instance.

If your environment provider does not have an environment that matches the specified capabilities, TestComplete will post an error message to the test log.

See Also

Browsers Object
Item Property
About Cross-Platform Web Tests

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