Code Editor - Status Bar

Applies to TestComplete 15.0, last modified on November 17, 2021

The status bar of the TestComplete window displays information concerning the Code Editor:

  • Current cursor coordinates and the number of selected characters.

  • The parsing status (since parsing of large units requires a lot of time, TestComplete displays the parsing status in the status bar and disables some menu and toolbar items during the parsing time).

  • The edit mode (Insert, Overwrite or Read Only) and the status of Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scr Lock keys. You can switch between the Insert and Overwrite modes by pressing Insert on the keyboard.

  • The script language (JavaScript, JScript, Python, VBScript, DelphiScript, C#Script or C++Script).

  • The current zoom level of the editor.

See Also

Code Editor
About Code Editor

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