ResetTestedApp Method

Applies to TestComplete 15.0, last modified on November 17, 2021


Use the ResetTestedApp method to restore the tested application running on a mobile device to its initial state.

On iOS devices running in the BitBar device cloud, the method can reset the tested application only if the application’s bundle ID has been specified when opening a testing session.



ApplicationManagerObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to an ApplicationManager object
Result None

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:

Result Value



The code below shows how to get the ApplicationManager object and how to use it to start, reset, and then stop the tested application for which the testing session is opened on the mobile device:

Note: For the example to work correctly, your project must be connected to the BitBar cloud and the bitbar_app capability must specify a correct application ID in the BitBar file storage. If you use an iOS device, the bundleId capability must also be specified for the testing session. See Project Properties - BitBar and Local Appium .


function Test()
  // Connect to a mobile device
  var capabilities = {
    "platformName": "ANDROID",
    "bitbar_target": "android",
    "bitbar_findDevice": "false",
    "bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
    "deviceName": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
    "automationName": "UiAutomator2",
    "bitbar_app": "1234"
  var server = "";
  Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);

  var appManager = Mobile.Device().ApplicationManager;
  // Launch the tested application

  // Simulate user actions
  // …

  // Switch the tested application to the background mode
  // …

  // Reset and restart the tested application
  // …

  // Close the tested application and stop the testing session



function Test()

  // Connect to a mobile device
  var capabilities = "{\"platformName\":\"ANDROID\",\"bitbar_target\":\"android\",\"bitbar_findDevice\":false,\"bitbar_device\":\"Google Pixel 3a Android 10\",\"deviceName\":\"Google Pixel 3a Android 10\",\"automationName\":\"UiAutomator2\",\"bitbar_app\":\"1234\"}";
  var server = "";
  Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);

  var appManager = Mobile.Device().ApplicationManager;
  // Launch the tested application

  // Simulate user actions
  // …

  // Switch the tested application to the background mode
  // …

  // Reset and restart the tested application
  // …

  // Close the tested application and stop the testing session



def Test():

  # Connect to a mobile device
  capabilities = {
    "platformName": "ANDROID", 
    "bitbar_target": "android", 
    "bitbar_findDevice": "false", 
    "bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10", 
    "deviceName": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10", 
    "automationName": "UiAutomator2", 
    "bitbar_app": "1234"
  server = ""
  Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)

  appManager = Mobile.Device().ApplicationManager
  # Launch the tested application

  # Simulate user actions
  # ...

  # Switch the tested application to the background mode
  # ...

  # Reset and restart the tested appication
  # ...

  # Close the tested application and stop the testing session


Sub Test()

  ' Connect to a mobile device
  capabilities = "{""platformName"":""ANDROID"",""bitbar_target"":""android"",""bitbar_findDevice"":false,""bitbar_device"":""Google Pixel 3a Android 10"",""deviceName"":""Google Pixel 3a Android 10"",""automationName"":""UiAutomator2"",""bitbar_app"":""1234""}"
  server = ""
  Call Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)

  Set appManager = Mobile.Device().ApplicationManager
  ' Launch the tested application

  ' Simulate user actions
  ' …

  ' Switch the tested application to the background mode
  ' …

  ' Reset and restart the tested application
  ' …

  ' Close the tested application and stop the testing session

End Sub


procedure Test();
var capabilities, server, appManager;

  // Connect to a mobile device
  capabilities := '{"platformName":"ANDROID","bitbar_target":"android","bitbar_findDevice":false,"bitbar_device":"Google Pixel 3a Android 10","deviceName":"Google Pixel 3a Android 10","automationName":"UiAutomator2","bitbar_app":"1234"}';
  server := '';
  Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);

  appManager := Mobile.Device().ApplicationManager;
  // Launch the tested application

  // Simulate user actions
  // …

  // Switch the tested application to the background mode
  // …

  // Reset and restart the tested application
  // …

  // Close the tested application and stop the testing session


C++Script, C#Script

function Test()

  // Connect to a mobile device
  var capabilities = "{\"platformName\":\"ANDROID\",\"bitbar_target\":\"android\",\"bitbar_findDevice\":false,\"bitbar_device\":\"Google Pixel 3a Android 10\",\"deviceName\":\"Google Pixel 3a Android 10\",\"automationName\":\"UiAutomator2\",\"bitbar_app\":\"1234\"}";
  var server = "";
  Mobile["ConnectDevice"](server, capabilities);

  var appManager = Mobile["Device"]()["ApplicationManager"];
  // Launch the tested application

  // Simulate user actions
  // …

  // Switch the tested application to the background mode
  // …

  // Reset and restart the tested application
  // …

  // Close the tested application and stop the testing session


See Also

ApplicationManager Object

Highlight search results