Pre-Installed Script Extensions

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021

The TestComplete software package includes a number of script extensions. This topic provides information about them and describes how you can check whether a script extension is installed in TestComplete.

How to Check Whether an Extension is Installed

By default, all extensions are installed in TestComplete. However, you can uninstall or disable them. To check whether an extension is installed and enabled, use the Script Extensions dialog:

  • Select File | Install Script Extensions from the TestComplete main menu to invoke the Script Extensions dialog.

  • Check that the desired extension is listed in the dialog and that its check box is selected. If the extension is unselected, its functionality is disabled.

QAComplete Script Extension

The QAComplete extension provides the functionality needed to create error reports for test log data and to post them to your SmartBear QAComplete database. The extension files are held in the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\SPExtension.tcx package. The package contains the following files --

  • LoginForm.aqfrm - The first page of the QAComplete Integration dialog (displayed at design time).
  • DefectForm.aqfrm - The second page of the QAComplete Integration dialog (displayed at design time).
  • DefectInfo.aqfrm - The third page of the QAComplete Integration dialog (displayed at design time).
  • QACExtension.js - A script unit that contains functions executed when an error report is being created and posted to the SmartBear QAComplete database.
  • PostQAC-NN.png - The image of the item added to the Test Log panel toolbar. Several DPI scaling sizes are supported.
  • description.xml - Use it to install the extension in TestComplete. It contains information about the extension and about the items to be added to the Test Log toolbar.

Mozilla Bugzilla Script Extension

The Mozilla Bugzilla extension provides you with the functionality needed to create an error report for test log data and post this report to a Mozilla Bugzilla database. The extension files belong to the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\BugzillaSupport.tcx package. The package contains files for several script extensions. The Mozilla Bugzilla extension files are --

  • DBConnectionForm.aqfrm - The first page of the Add Defect to Bugzilla Database dialog (displayed at design time).
  • DefectInfoForm.aqfrm - The second page of the Add Defect to Bugzilla Database dialog (displayed at design time).
  • Bugzilla.js - A script unit that contains functions that are executed when an error report is being created and posted to the Bugzilla database.
  • PostBugzilla-NN.png - The image of the item added to the Test Log panel toolbar. Several DPI scaling sizes are supported.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension and about the items to be added to the Recording and Tools toolbars.

Clipboard Checkpoint

The Clipboard Checkpoint extension provides the functionality needed to create clipboard checkpoints. The extension adds the Clipboard Checkpoint items to the Recording and Tools toolbars that simplify the creation of the comparison code.

The extension files belong to the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\AQAScriptExtensions.tcx package. The package contains files for several script extensions. The Clipboard Checkpoint extension files are --

  • ctcForm.aqfrm - The Copy Text to Clipboard dialog.
  • clcCreateForm.aqfrm - The Create Clipboard Checkpoint dialog.
  • clcCode.js - The script unit that contains functions executed during the script recording or at design time.
  • CheckClipboard-NN.png - The image of the item added to the Recording and Tools toolbars. Several DPI scaling sizes are supported.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension and the items to be added to the Recording and Tools toolbars.

Manual Checkpoint

The Manual Checkpoint extension provides the functionality needed to create manual checkpoints. The extension adds the Manual Checkpoint items to the Recording and Tools toolbars, the ManualCheck program object and the Create Manual Checkpoint, Manual Checkpoint and Copy Text to Clipboard dialog boxes.

The extension files belong to the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\AQAScriptExtensions.tcx package. The package contains the files of several script extensions. The Manual Checkpoint extension files are -

  • mncCreateForm.aqfrm - The Create Manual Checkpoint dialog.
  • mncRunForm.aqfrm - The Manual Checkpoint dialog.
  • ctcForm.aqfrm - The Copy Text to Clipboard dialog (displayed at design time).
  • mncCode.js - A script unit that contains the script code of the extension.
  • CheckManual-NN.png - The image of the item added to the Recording and Tools toolbars. Several DPI scaling sizes are supported.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension, the items to be added to the Recording and Tools toolbar and about the ManualCheck program object and its methods.

Log Attributes Keyword Test Operation

The Log Attributes extension provides the functionality needed to add, modify and execute the Log Attributes keyword test operation. This operation is added to the Logging category of keyword test operations.

The extension files belong to the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\AQAScriptExtensions.tcx package. The package contains the files of several script extensions. The files of the Log Attributes operation are --

  • laEditForm.aqfrm - The form that is used to modify the operation’s properties in the Keyword Test editor.
  • laCode.js - Script unit that contains the operation’s code.
  • la-icon.bmp - The operation’s icon.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension files and routines.

WMI Object

The WMI Object extension adds the WMI scripting object to TestComplete.

The extension files are included into the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\AQAScriptExtensions.tcx package. The package contains the files of several script extensions. The WMI Object extension files are --

  • wmiCode.vbs - Script unit that contains the code of the object’s methods and properties.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension, the object and methods and properties.

Axosoft OnTime Script Extension

Starting from version 14.0, this script extension is deprecated. It is disabled in TestComplete by default. It will be removed from the product in one of the future versions.

The Axosoft OnTime extension provides you with the functionality needed to create an error report for test log data and post this report to an Axosoft OnTime database. The extension files belong to the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\OnTimeSupport.tcx package. The package contains files for several script extensions. The Axosoft OnTime extension files are --

  • OnTimeDBConnectionForm.aqfrm - The first page of the Add Defect Info to the OnTime Database dialog (displayed at design time).
  • OnTimeDefectInfoForm.aqfrm - The second page of the Add Defect Info to the OnTime Database dialog (displayed at design time).
  • AxoSoft_OnTime_ReportBug.js - Script unit that contains functions that are executed when an error report is being created and posted to the OnTime database.
  • PostAxosoft-NN.png - The image of the item added to the Test Log panel toolbar. Several DPI scaling sizes are supported.
  • description.xml - Used to install the extension in TestComplete. Contains information about the extension and about the items to be added to the Recording and Tools toolbars.

See Also

Script Extensions
Installing and Uninstalling Script Extensions

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