Add Tested Application Wizard - Add Java Tested Application Page

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021

The Add Tested Application wizard assists you in adding applications to the Tested Applications collection of your project. On this page of the wizard, you add Java applications to the list of tested applications.

  • In the Java Virtual Machine to use text box, specify the JVM used to launch your Java application. You can choose the needed Java launcher from the drop-down list or click the button and browse for its executable.

  • The Specify application’s .jar file and Specify application’s entry point boxes specify how to launch the application:

    • The Specify application’s .jar file text box specifies the path to the application’s .jar file. Note that the .jar file must be created with the Main-Class header in the manifest, otherwise your application will fail to run.

    • The Specify application’s entry point text box specifies the name of the main class which is your application’s entry point. If you are using this option, you should also specify the path to the .jar or .class file that holds the entry point main routine in the Class paths text box.

  • In the Command-line arguments box, you can specify parameters that will be passed to the Java application.

  • In the Environment options box, you can specify the command-line options that will be passed to the Java Virtual Machine.

  • In the Working folder text box you can specify the working folder for the application run. You can either type the desired folder name or click the ellipsis button and choose the desired folder in the ensuing Browse for Folder dialog.

  • Use the Class paths text box to specify the paths to Java classes used in the application. If you are launching your application by specifying its entry point, you should also specify the location of the .jar or .class file that holds the entry point routine in this list.

    To add the folder that contains Java classes to the Class paths list, click the Add Directory button, select the desired directory from the resulting Browse for Folder dialog and click OK. To add the .jar file containing Java classes to the list, click Add JAR File and then select the desired file from the subsequent Select JAR File dialog. To remove the selected class path from the list, press Remove. To change the position of the selected class path in the list, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

You can control the format that is used to specify the paths to the application’s .jar file or to the working folder. The target path can be specified as an absolute path, a relative path or by using environment variables (if the path includes any standard system path for which environment variables are set). Click the drop-down button in the desired text box and choose the needed representation from the drop-down list.

Click Finish to close the dialog and add the specified application to the Tested Applications collection. Click Cancel to close the dialog without adding the application.

See Also

Add Tested Application Wizard
About Tested Applications
About TestedApps Editor
Adding Java and JavaFX Applications to the List of Tested Applications
Java Application Parameters

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