Code Editor - Gutter

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021

The grey area on the left side of the Editor is called the Gutter. It is used for line numbers (when activated) and to tag lines with different markers:

  • - a bookmark,
  • - a breakpoint,
  • - a syntax error,
  • - search or replace results,
  • - modifications in the found line or broken line ( - the Editor can break a long string into several lines if the string does not fit into the Editor’s window. See Word wrap option for more information).

If a bookmark or breakpoint has a description, this description pops up when the mouse cursor is over the bookmark (or breakpoint) marker. When you move the mouse cursor over a syntax error mark, TestComplete shows the describing the error.

The gutter can be removed using the Editor Options.

See Also

Code Editor
About Code Editor

Highlight search results