Web Testing - Examples

Applies to TestComplete 14.93, last modified on October 12, 2021

With TestComplete you can do more than just perform functional testing of web pages. Since it provides access to web page elements, you can use it to perform various checks over the web page.

Before publishing the web site, you may need to validate the markup of its pages, validate CSS and check the site for broken links. TestComplete lets you automate checking and validation processes. Also, with TestComplete you can check different characteristics of a web page and its elements. This lets you determine whether the web page matches the quality standards adopted in your organization.

The topics of this section provide quick tips and code snippets on how to perform miscellaneous checks.

In This Section

Checking for Broken Links

Tip on how to validate links on a web page.

Checking if a Page Contains Specific Text

Tip on how to check if the page displays certain text.

Searching for the Element Containing the Desired Text

Describes how you can find the web page element containing the desired text.

Finding an Image on a Web Page

How to check if a page displays a specific image, find an image and simulate user actions over the image.

Checking for Mailto Links

Tip on how to check whether the web page contains mailto links.

Checking the Images' ALT Attribute

Tip on how to check the ALT attribute of IMG tags.

Checking Image Size Specifications

Tip on how to check if the width and height attributes are specified for IMG tags.

Getting CSS Attributes

Explains how to get CSS attribute values of web page elements.

Testing Pages With Multiple Zoom Levels

Describes how to perform web page testing at multiple zoom levels.

Validating Web Pages With TestComplete

Describes how to validate HTML markup of a web page, validate CSS and check the page for broken links with TestComplete.

Ignoring Query String Parameters

Tips on how to make your tests independent of query string parameters in the web pages’ URLs.

Parsing HTML Tables

Explains how to retrieve data from tables displayed on web pages.

Capturing Web Page Images

Explains how to capture the images of tested web pages (you can capture the image of a visible area only, a smaller image or the image of the whole web page without scrolling it).

Simulating Keystrokes in Browsers

Describes specifics of simulating keystrokes in web browsers.

Related Topics of Interest

To quickly create checking and comparison script code, you can use web checkpoints:

About Web Accessibility Checkpoints

Describes the web accessibility checkpoints and explains how you can use them to perform various verification actions.

About Web Comparison Checkpoints

Describes the web comparison checkpoints and explains how you can use them to compare web pages, their structure and tags.

See Also

Classic Web Testing
How To

Highlight search results