In TestComplete, you can create mobile tests for applications running on devices managed by BitBar or by a private Appium server. To reduce the overall test run time and manage testing resources more efficiently, you can run several such tests concurrently.
You can control parallel runs from TestComplete by using the Execution Plan editor or Parallel
After all test runs are over, the test results will be available in your TestComplete project:
TestComplete version 14.81.
An active license for the TestComplete Mobile module.
The Appium Support plugin must be enabled in TestComplete. The plugin is installed and enabled by default. You can check the plugin state in the File > Install Extensions dialog of TestComplete.
Mobile devices managed by Appium. It can be:
A mobile device cloud provided as a service by BitBar.
– or –
A private mobile device cloud managed by Appium. It can run on your test workstation (a computer where TestComplete is running) or on a remote computer in your local network:
For details, please see Testing Mobile Applications - Requirements.
The TestComplete workstation must have access to the server that controls the mobile devices.
The TestComplete project must be configured to support Appium mobile devices.
By default, all new projects are configured this way. To make sure that your project is configured correctly, check its Mobile support type property on the Properties > Mobile Devices > General page. It must be set to Mobile device cloud (BitBar and local Appium).
Mobile tests you want to run in parallel must be Appium-compatible. Running legacy mobile tests in parallel is not supported.
Mobile tests you want to run in parallel must belong to the same TestComplete project from which you will control the test runs. Running tests that belong to external projects is not supported.
Supported features
Tests that will run in parallel can include the following:
Operations that simulate user actions over mobile applications.
Operations for connecting to the Appium server and opening testing sessions on mobile devices there.
Operations that get test input data from external files (data-driven tests).
scripting objects, for exampleaqString
. -
Event handlers.
BDD features and scenarios.
Unsupported features
Nested parallel tests. Parallel tests that control other parallel tests are not supported.
Running parallel tests is not supported on 32-bit operating systems.
Desktop tests. Tests that simulate user actions over Windows desktop applications cannot run in parallel. For example, the following is not supported:
Operations that simulate user actions over desktop applications.
Low-level procedures.
Non-cross-platform web tests. Tests that simulate user actions over local web browsers accessed via ways other than by using Selenium Grid cannot run in parallel. For example, the following is not supported:
Accessing web browsers by using the
object. -
The Run Browser and Browser Loop operation.
Legacy mobile tests. Tests that simulate user actions over physical mobile devices connected to your local workstation cannot run in parallel.
Image-based and OCR-based tests.
Testing web services.
User Forms, Network Suites, Unit tests, manual tests, object-driven tests (ODT), ReadyAPI tests.
If you run a test that uses an object or an operation that is not supported by parallel runs, the test engine will report an error. Depending on the way your project handles errors, the test run may be terminated.
How to run tests in parallel
In the Execution Plan editor
In the Execution Plan editor, you can configure a list of remote environments where mobile tests will be run in parallel:
Create a mobile test and prepare it for running in remote environments. See Creating and Running Mobile Tests.
Open the execution plan of your TestComplete project and add the created test to it.
Select the added test and, in the Parallel Device Cloud Environments panel, select the device cloud provider in the environments of which you will run the tests. For mobile tests, it can be either BitBar or a private Appium server.
New Environment and, in the resulting dialog, specify the target testing environment:
If the current TestComplete project does not have a BitBar API key specified, to connect to the BitBar device cloud, enter the API key.
On the Parameters tab, select the mobile device and a tested application for which you want to open a testing session.
The Found devices list contains all the devices that are available for you in BitBar and that match the search criteria. If needed, you can filter the list by using the Device Type, OS Version, Resolution and Quick Search filters.
The Status column shows the status of a device:
On maintenance
Subscription only
Select the device to which you want to connect. You can select a device that has any status. However, the selected device must have the Ready status at the moment when the test run starts.
In the Application drop-down list box, select a mobile application for which you want to open a testing session. The application file must be either stored in the BitBar Files Library or added to the Tested Applications of the current TestComplete project. In the latter case, click Upload to BitBar to upload the application file to the BitBar Files Library and then select it in the list.
If you are testing an iOS application: To be able to launch and stop the tested application from tests or by using the Mobile Device Screen window of TestComplete, specify the bundle ID of the application when connecting to the device. It is the bundle ID that was used to compile the specified .ipa file. Add the
capability to the list of desired capabilities on the Custom Parameters tab. -
If needed, on the Custom parameters tab, you can specify additional capabilities to be used for the testing session. Specify the capabilities in the JSON format. For example:
"bitbar_project": "Automated tests",
"bitbar_description": "Testing the Orders app"
}The dialog will validate the JSON code as you are typing it.
Note: The capabilities you specify on the Custom capabilities tab can overwrite values specified on the Parameters tab.
For the list of available capabilities, see the BitBar Documentation - Desired Capabilities.
Local Appium
Note: You must have your local Appium server running and available from your TestComplete workstation. For information on how to configure a local Appium server, see Set up Appium Server.
In the Server URL text box, enter the URL address of your Appium server.
In the Application Path text editor, specify the full path to the application that you want to install on the target mobile device and from which you want to open a testing session. If your application is added to the list of tested applications in your TestComplete project, you can click the down-arrow button and select the application path from the drop-down list. You can also type the path manually, or you can click the ellipsis button and browse for the needed application file.
Specify the application path relatively to the Appium server location.
You can also specify the application path using the
capability in the Parameters editor. Theapp
capability value will override the Application Path value. -
In the Parameters editor, enter the capabilities that describe a testing session you want to open, in the JSON format. The dialog will validate the JSON code as you are typing.
For information on all available capabilities, see Appium Desired Capabilities.
When you run the TestComplete project, it will run your test in parallel in the specified environments in the selected device cloud.
By using the Parallel
scripting object
In your TestComplete project, create mobile tests that you will run in parallel in the device cloud managed by Appium. To learn more on creating cloud-compatible mobile tests, see Creating and Running Mobile Tests.
Create a script test from which you will control the parallel test runs. Use methods of the
Parallel.RunMobileTests(Tests, Capabilities, ServerURL)
- Connects to the device cloud specified by the ServerURL parameter, opens testing sessions described by the Capabilities parameter, and then runs mobile tests in these sessions in parallel. -
- Runs the specified tests in parallel. This method does not connect to the device cloud and does not specify target environments for the test to run. You have to do it manually in each test the method runs.
The examples below show how you can use the methods to run mobile tests in parallel.
Example 1: Running several tests on specified devices in parallel
The sample code below runs the MyTest1
and MyTest2
mobile tests on several mobile devices running in the BitBar device cloud.
JavaScript, JScript
function Main_RunMobileTests_Parallel()
var capabilities = [
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
var server = "";
var tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2'];
Parallel.RunMobileTests(tests, capabilities, server);
function MyTest1()
var device = Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch();
// …
function MyTest2()
var device = Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch();
// …
def Main_RunMobileTests_Parallel():
capabilities = [
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
server = ""
tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2']
Parallel.RunMobileTests(tests, capabilities, server)
def MyTest1():
device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch()
# …
def MyTest2():
device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch()
# …
Sub Main
Dim capabilities : capabilities = Array(_
"{""automationName"": ""UiAutomator2"", ""bitbar_app"": ""123"", ""bitbar_device"": ""Google Pixel 3a Android 10"", ""bitbar_findDevice"": ""false"", ""bitbar_target"": ""android"", ""deviceName"": ""Android Phone"", ""newCommandTimeout"": ""600"", ""platformName"": ""ANDROID""}",_
"{""automationName"": ""UiAutomator2"", ""bitbar_app"": ""123"", ""bitbar_device"": ""LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1"", ""bitbar_findDevice"": ""false"", ""bitbar_target"": ""android"", ""deviceName"": ""Android Phone"", ""newCommandTimeout"": ""600"", ""platformName"": ""ANDROID""}")
server = ""
Dim tests : tests = Array("Script|Unit1|MyTest1", "Script|Unit1|MyTest2")
Call Parallel.RunMobileTests(tests, capabilities, server)
End Sub
Sub MyTest1()
Set device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch
' …
End Sub
Sub MyTest2()
Set device = Mobile.Device
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch
' …
End Sub
procedure MyTest1();
var device;
device := Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath('//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]').Touch();
// …
procedure MyTest2();
var device;
device := Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath('//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]').Touch();
// …
procedure Main_RunMobileTests_Parallel();
var capabilities : Array[0..1];
var server;
var tests : Array[0..1];
capabilities[0] := '{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}';
capabilities[1] := '{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}';
server := '';
tests[0] := 'Script|Unit1|MyTest1';
tests[1] := 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2';
Parallel.RunMobileTests(tests, capabilities, server);
C++Script, C#Script
function Main_RunMobileTests_Parallel()
var capabilities = [
'{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}',
'{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}'
var server = "";
var tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2'];
Parallel["RunMobileTests"](tests, capabilities, server);
function MyTest1()
var device = Mobile["Device"]();
device["FindElementByXPath"]("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]")["Touch"]();
// ...
function MyTest2()
var device = Mobile["Device"]();
device["FindElementByXPath"]("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch();
// ...
Example 2: Running several tests in parallel
The sample code below runs the MyTest1 and MyTest2 mobile tests in parallel. Each test connects to a mobile device, opens a testing session there, and simulates user actions:
JavaScript, JScript
function Main()
var tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2'];
function MyTest1()
var capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
var server = "";
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);
var device = Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch();
// …
function MyTest2()
var capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
var server = "";
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);
var device = Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch();
// …
def Main():
tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2']
def MyTest1():
capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
server = ""
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)
device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch()
# …
def MyTest2():
capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
server = ""
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)
device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch()
# …
Sub Main
DIm tests : tests = Array("Script|Unit1|MyTest1", "Script|Unit1|MyTest2")
Call Parallel.RunTests(tests)
End Sub
Sub MyTest1()
capabilities = "{""automationName"": ""UiAutomator2"",""bitbar_app"": ""123"",""bitbar_device"": ""Google Pixel 3a Android 10"",""bitbar_findDevice"": ""false"",""bitbar_target"": ""android"",""deviceName"": ""Android Phone"",""newCommandTimeout"": ""600"",""platformName"": ""ANDROID""}"
server = ""
Call Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)
Set device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]").Touch()
' …
End Sub
Sub MyTest2()
capabilities = "{""automationName"": ""UiAutomator2"",""bitbar_app"": ""123"",""bitbar_device"": ""LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1"",""bitbar_findDevice"": ""false"",""bitbar_target"": ""android"",""deviceName"": ""Android Phone"",""newCommandTimeout"": ""600"",""platformName"": ""ANDROID""}"
server = ""
Call Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities)
Set device = Mobile.Device()
device.FindElementByXPath("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]").Touch()
' …
End Sub
procedure MyTest1();
var capabilities, server, device;
capabilities := '{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}';
server := '';
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);
device := Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath('//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]').Touch();
// …
procedure MyTest2();
var capabilities, server, device;
capabilities := '{"automationName": "UiAutomator2", "bitbar_app": "123", "bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1", "bitbar_findDevice": "false", "bitbar_target": "android", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "newCommandTimeout": "600", "platformName": "ANDROID"}';
server := '';
Mobile.ConnectDevice(server, capabilities);
device := Mobile.Device();
device.FindElementByXPath('//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]').Touch();
// …
procedure Main();
var tests : Array[0..1];
tests[0] := 'Script|Unit1|MyTest1';
tests[1] := 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2';
C++Script, C#Script
function Main()
var tests = ['Script|Unit1|MyTest1', 'Script|Unit1|MyTest2'];
function MyTest1()
var capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "Google Pixel 3a Android 10",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
var server = "";
Mobile["ConnectDevice"](server, JSON["stringify"](capabilities));
var device = Mobile["Device"]();
device["FindElementByXPath"]("//*[@text=\"Samuel Clemens\"]")["Touch"]();
// …
function MyTest2()
var capabilities = {
"automationName": "UiAutomator2",
"bitbar_app": "123",
"bitbar_device": "LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1",
"bitbar_findDevice": "false",
"bitbar_target": "android",
"deviceName": "Android Phone",
"newCommandTimeout": "600",
"platformName": "ANDROID"
var server = "";
Mobile["ConnectDevice"](server, JSON["stringify"](capabilities));
var device = Mobile["Device"]();
device["FindElementByXPath"]("//*[@text=\"Clare Jefferson\"]")["Touch"]();
// …
Number of parallel tests
Your workstation computing capacity: its processor, RAM, and so on. The more parallel tests TestComplete is controlling, the more workstation resources are consumed.
You can limit the number of maximum tests running in parallel manually by using the LicenseCount parameter of the
object’s methods or by using the Options > Engine > Parallel > Parallel test count option.
Capturing images during parallel test runs
TestComplete can capture images of the mobile device screen during test runs. These images can help understand the tested application behavior if the test fails. By default, capturing images during parallel runs is disabled. To command TestComplete to capture images, enable the Capture images during parallel test runs project option.