method is only available if the external JiraSupport script extension is installed and enabled in TestComplete. To learn how you can do it, see Sending Issues to Jira From Script Tests.
You use the Jira.Login
method to connect to your Jira database.
Jira.Login(Url, Login, Password)
Url | [in] | Required | String | |
Login | [in] | Required | String | |
Password | [in] | Required | String | |
Result | Boolean |
Applies To
The method is applied to the following object:
The method has the following parameters:
The JIRA server URL, including http:// or https:// and the port number (if needed). For example, http://jira:8080 or https://<yourcompany>
The email address to access Jira or the name of the Jira account.
The API token or the password of your Jira account. To learn how to get a Jira API token, see the Atlassian documentation.
If you use an API token to access Jira, make sure the
parameter specifies your email address (not your user name in Jira). -
If you use a password to access your Jira server and you get an error, we recommend that you try using an API token instead. You can learn how to get an API token in the Jira documentation on the Atlassian website.
Result Value
True if you log in to your Jira account successfully, False otherwise.
The code below demonstrates how you can use Jira.Login
method in your script tests:
JavaScript, JScript
function IssueToJira()
// Log in to Jira
Jira.Login("https://mycompany.atlassian/net/", "[email protected]", "c40Mwj3PovmRTFZbmIiwB8C2");
var priorityJSON = '{"name":"Low"}';
// Create an object that defines task properties
var jiraData = Jira.CreateNewIssueData("MyJiraProjectKey", "Task").
setField("summary", "This is a sample task summary").
setField("description", "Sample task description").
setField("customfield_10700", "12.40.08").
setFieldJSON("priority", priorityJSON);
// Post the issue to Jira
var key = Jira.PostIssue(jiraData);
// Attach the desired file to the created issue
Jira.PostAttachment(key, "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt");
var upPriorityJSON = '{"name":"High"}';
// Create an object that defines updating task properties
var upJiraData = Jira.CreateUpdateIssueData().setFieldJSON("priority", upPriorityJSON);
// Update the issue
Jira.UpdateIssue(key, upJiraData);
def IssueToJira():
# Log in to Jira
Jira.Login("https://mycompany.atlassian/net/", "[email protected]", "c40Mwj3PovmRTFZbmIiwB8C2")
priorityJSON = '{"name":"Low"}'
# Create an object that defines task properties
jiraData = Jira.CreateNewIssueData("MyJiraProjectKey", "Task").\
setField("summary", "This is a sample task summary").\
setField("description", "Sample task description").\
setField("customfield_10700", "12.40.08").\
setFieldJSON("priority", priorityJSON);
# Post the issue to Jira
key = Jira.PostIssue(jiraData)
# Attach the desired file to the created issue
Jira.PostAttachment(key, "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt")
upPriorityJSON = '{"name":"High"}'
# Create an object that defines updating task properties
upJiraData = Jira.CreateUpdateIssueData().setFieldJSON("priority", upPriorityJSON)
# Update the issue
Jira.UpdateIssue(key, upJiraData)
Sub IssueToJira
' Log in to Jira
Call Jira.Login("https://mycompany.atlassian/net/", "[email protected]", "c40Mwj3PovmRTFZbmIiwB8C2")
priorityJSON = "{""name"":""Low""}"
' Create an object that defines task properties
Set jiraData = Jira.CreateNewIssueData("MyJiraProjectKey", "Task")._
setField("summary", "This is a sample task summary")._
setField("description", "Sample task description")._
setField("customfield_10700", "12.40.08")._
setFieldJSON("priority", priorityJSON)
' Post the issue to Jira
key = Jira.PostIssue(jiraData)
' Attach the desired file to the created issue
Call Jira.PostAttachment(key, "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt")
upPriorityJSON = "{""name"":""High""}"
' Create an object that defines updating task properties
Set upJiraData = Jira.CreateUpdateIssueData().setFieldJSON("priority", upPriorityJSON)
' Update the issue
Call Jira.UpdateIssue(key, upJiraData)
End Sub
procedure IssueToJira;
priorityJSON, jiraData, key, upPriorityJSON, upJiraData;
// Log in to Jira
Jira.Login('https://mycompany.atlassian/net/', '[email protected]', 'c40Mwj3PovmRTFZbmIiwB8C2');
priorityJSON :='{"name":"Low"}';
// Create an object that defines task properties
jiraData := Jira.CreateNewIssueData('MyJiraProjectKey', 'Task').
setField('summary', 'This is a sample task summary').
setField('description', 'Sample task description').
setField('customfield_10700', '12.40.08').
setFieldJSON('priority', priorityJSON);
// Post the issue to Jira
key := Jira.PostIssue(jiraData);
// Attach the desired file to the created issue
Jira.PostAttachment(key, 'C:\temp\MyFile.txt');
upPriorityJSON := '{"name":"High"}';
// Create an object that defines updating task properties
upJiraData := Jira.CreateUpdateIssueData().setFieldJSON('priority', upPriorityJSON);
// Update the issue
Jira.UpdateIssue(key, upJiraData);
C++Script, C#Script
function IssueToJira()
// Log in to Jira
Jira["Login"]("https://mycompany.atlassian/net/", "[email protected]", "c40Mwj3PovmRTFZbmIiwB8C2");
var priorityJSON = '{"name":"Low"}';
// Create an object that defines task properties
var jiraData = Jira["CreateNewIssueData"]("MyJiraProjectKey", "Task")
["setField"]("summary", "This is a sample task summary")
["setField"]("description", "Sample task description")
["setField"]("customfield_10700", "12.40.08")
["setFieldJSON"]("priority", priorityJSON);
// Post the issue to Jira
var key = Jira["PostIssue"](jiraData);
// Attach the desired file to the created issue
Jira["PostAttachment"](key, "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt");
var upPriorityJSON = '{"name":"High"}';
// Create an object that defines updating task properties
var upJiraData = Jira["CreateUpdateIssueData"]()["setFieldJSON"]("priority", upPriorityJSON);
// Update the issue
Jira["UpdateIssue"](key, upJiraData);
![]() |
To interact with Jira custom fields, use their identifiers instead of the field names. In the code above, it is customfield_10700 . |
To call this function from keyword tests, use the Run Code Snippet operation.
See Also
CreateNewBugData Method
CreateNewIssueData Method
CreateUpdateIssueData Method
PostAttachment Method
PostIssue Method
UpdateIssue Method
Jira Object