Check Operation

Applies to TestComplete 14.80, last modified on May 04, 2021


The Check operation compares the value of a time counter with the specified maximum execution time.

Operation Result

If the value of the time counter is less than or equal to the specified maximum execution time, the operation returns True and posts a checkpoint message () to the test log.

Otherwise, the operation returns False and posts an error message () and a checkpoint message to the test log. The Details panel contains the actual value of the time counter in comparison with the maximum value.

Scripting Analogue

The operation is an analogue of the aqPerformance.Check() method.

Operation Parameters

The operation parameters are organized into the following pages:

Specify Check Parameters

On this page, you can specify parameters of the operation.

  • Counter name - The name of the time counter to check.

  • Max execution time (ms) - Specifies the maximum execution time in milliseconds to compare the counter value with.

  • Operation name - Specifies the name of the checked operation. It is shown in the posted test log message as the checkpoint name. By default, it uses the specified maximum execution time.

Operation Parameters

This page contains the same parameters that you specified on the previous page. However, it lets you use variables, test parameters, code expressions or [Last Operation Result] values to specify these parameters.


Integer. Analogue of the Max execution time (ms) edit field.


String. Analogue of the Operation Name edit field.


String. Analogue of the Counter Name edit field.

Once all the desired parameters are defined, click Finish.

See Also

Specifying Operation Parameters
Performance Category
Group Check Operation
Start Operation
Measuring Test Run Time

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