1. Prepare Your Electron Application for Testing

Applies to TestComplete 14.80, last modified on May 04, 2021

In this tutorial, to show how to test Electron applications with TestComplete, we are going to use the Quick Start sample application. It is the application that the Electron documentation uses in its Quick Start tutorial.

TestComplete can only test Electron-based applications distributed as Windows-compatible executables. To make our Quick Start application available for testing, we will run it by using Electron prebuilt binaries:

  1. Get the Quick Start sample application’s source files from the Electron repository:


  2. Get the Electron prebuilt binaries from the Electron repository:


  3. Unpack the Electron prebuilt binaries.

  4. Place the Quick Start application files you have downloaded from the repository (package.json, web pages, scripts, and other files) to the resources/app folder of the unpacked Electron binaries:

    Testing Electron applications tutorial: Electron application structure
  5. (Optional.) If you want to, rename the downloaded electron.exe binary to fit your tested application name, for example, quick-start.exe:

    Testing Electron applications tutorial: Rename the application executable
  6. Launch the resulting binary. Electron will start your application:

    Testing Electron applications tutorial: Launch the application

To learn more about packaging and distributing Electron applications, see the Electron documentation.

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Testing Electron Applications - Tutorial
About Testing Electron Applications

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