12. Run the Test on Multiple Devices

Applies to TestComplete 14.72, last modified on April 22, 2021

Let’s modify the test so it can run on different mobile devices, one after another.

  • Add the Device Loop operation from the Mobile category. Place it in the very beginning of the test.

    In the ensuing operation parameters dialog, select Iterate Through All Connected Devices and click Finish.

    Getting Started With TestComplete (iOS): Device Loop Operation Parameters
  • Delete or disable the Select Device operation from the test. It is no longer needed because the Device Loop operation iterates through the mobile devices.

  • Select all test operations that go after the Device Loop operation and click to move them inside the loop. Now these operations will be executed on each loop iteration.

    Here is what the resulting test should look like:

    Getting Started With TestComplete (iOS): A Multi-Device Test
  • Save the test by selecting File > Save from the TestComplete main menu.

Prepare and connect another mobile device as described in the Preparing iOS Device step. The type of the devices you use must be the same as the type of the devices you used when creating the test: either iPhones or iPads.

Now run the resulting test.

TestComplete will repeat the test operations several times. Each time the test actions will be performed on a different mobile device.

The test log contains information about which mobile device was used and results of the test operations performed on each device.

The results of a multi-device test.

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See Also

About Tested Application
Running Tests on Multiple Devices

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