GUI Explorer

Applies to TestComplete 14.72, last modified on April 22, 2021

The GUI Explorer panel shows a schematic layout of selected onscreen objects. The following topics provide information on the GUI Explorer and data it displays:

In This Section

About GUI Explorer

Provides general information on the GUI Explorer.

GUI Explorer Content

Describes the schematic layout displayed in the GUI Explorer.

GUI Explorer - Common Tasks

Describes how you can accomplish some common tasks with the schematic layout displayed in the GUI Explorer.

GUI Explorer Toolbar

Provides information on the GUI Explorer toolbar.

Related Topics of Interest

Exploring an Application's Graphical User Interface

Describes how to explore the structure of GUI elements of tested applications.

About Object Browser

Provides general information on the Object Browser panel that allows exploring processes running in your system.

See Also

Exploring an Application's Graphical User Interface

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