Keyword Tests

Applies to TestComplete 14.72, last modified on April 22, 2021

In keyword-driven tests, every action to be performed (a mouse click, keystroke, and so on) is described by a keyword. TestComplete supports this kind of tests. This section contains topics that describe how to create and use keyword tests with TestComplete.

In This Section

About Keyword Testing

Describes the concepts of keyword tests used in TestComplete.

Creating and Recording Keyword Tests

Explains how to record keyword tests or create them in the editor.

Running Keyword Tests

Explains how you can execute keyword tests created in TestComplete.

Setting and Checking a Keyword Test Result

Describes how you can obtain the result of a keyword test execution.

Keyword Test Parameters

Explains how to create and use parameters of keyword tests.

Keyword Test Variables

Describes how to create, modify and use parameters of keyword tests.

Converting Keyword Tests to Scripts

Explains how to convert a keyword test to script and describes the conversion specifics.

Creating Keyword Tests - Common Tasks

Explains how to perform basic testing operations (like calling object methods, checking conditions and so on) from keyword tests.

Operation Reference

Provides information about operations available for use in keyword tests.

Keyword Test Editor

Describes the Keyword Test editor that is used to modify keyword tests.

Related Topics of Interest

Debugging Tests

Explains how you can use the TestComplete debugger, panels and dialogs to debug keyword tests and scripts.

Using Keyword Tests in Manual Tests

Explains how you can run keyword tests from manual tests.

Creating Keyword Test Operations

Explains how to use the script extensions technology to create custom keyword test operations.

See Also

Project Items

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