Applications Testing

Applies to TestComplete 14.72, last modified on April 22, 2021

With TestComplete, you can test desktop, web and mobile applications created using various development tools.

In This Section

Open Applications

If an application is an Open Application, you can access all its internal objects, properties and methods in tests.

Desktop Application Testing

Describes testing of desktop Windows applications created with .NET, C/C++, Delphi and other compilers.

Web and RIA Testing

Describes testing of web, HTML5, Flash, Flex, AIR, Silverlight and mobile web applications.

Mobile Testing

Describes testing of Android and iOS applications on mobile phones and tablets.


Describes support for Unicode and 64-bit applications.

Related Topics of Interest

Image-Based Testing

If an application is a black-box one, you can test it by recognizing images of its controls on the screen.

See Also

Testing With TestComplete
Supported Development Tools

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