Utilities.IsValidIdent Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.71, last modified on April 22, 2021
This method is obsolete. See the Remarks section below.


Use the Utilities.IsValidIdent method to determine whether the string specified by the Ident parameter is a valid JScript, C++Script, C#Script or DelphiScript identifier. A valid identifier may include only alphanumeric characters ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' and '0'..'9') and underscores ('_') and cannot start with a digit.

You can use this function, for example, to see if the names of properties and methods you create via the ODT project item are valid.



Ident [in]    Required    String    
Result Boolean

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameter:


Specifies the string that TestComplete will check to determine whether it is a valid JScript, C++Script, C#Script or DelphiScript identifier.

Result Value

The method returns True if the string specified by the Ident parameter is a valid JScript, C++Script, C#Script or DelphiScript identifier. Otherwise, the method returns False.


The Utilities.IsValidIdent method is obsolete and supported for backward compatibility only. To test for valid JScript, C++Script, C#Script or DelphiScript identifiers, use the aqUtils.IsValidIdent method.

You can also use this function to validate VBScript identifiers. These identifiers must match all the rules applied to the JScript, C++Script, C#Script and DelphiScript identifiers with the only exception: a VBScript identifier cannot start with an underscore (_).

See Also

Object-Driven Testing
IsValidIdent Method

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