About Issue-Tracking Templates

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

If you use Microsoft Team System or Mozilla Foundation Bugzilla to track and manage issues, you can create work items in your system directly from TestComplete.

In TestComplete, you specify templates that store connection parameters you use to connect to your issue-tracking system and mapping settings that specify the data to pass to work item fields. Then, you use the templates to create actual working items and send them to your issue-tracking system.

There are two types of issue-tracking templates:

  • Global. Can be used by any project opened in TestComplete. To create, modify or delete them, use the Template Manager dialog.

    To use a global template in your test project, reopen your project after you create and configure your global template.
  • Project-specific. Only available within the project to which they belong. To manage them, use the Issue-Tracking Templates page of the project editor.

There are also two types of issue-tracking templates:

  • User issue-tracking templates are created, modified and deleted by a user. They can only be used in scripts.

  • System issue-tracking templates are created, used and deleted by plugins or by TestComplete subsystems. The subsystems or plugins may require these templates to exist in order to automatically post bug reports to issue-tracking systems. Also, system templates are only used when you create bug reports for the test log manually from the Log panel. See Creating Issue Reports for Test Results for more information. The system templates are created and deleted automatically by subsystems or plugins. You cannot delete these templates manually.

Note: Despite the fact that system templates are created and deleted automatically, the values of their properties cannot be set automatically since the subsystem or plugin does not know the parameters needed to connect to your issue-tracking database. So, you should set up these parameters manually in order for the subsystems (or plugins) to use the template.

Though system templates are used by the TestComplete subsystem or templates, you can also use them in scripts the same way you would employ user templates.

To post an item to your issue-tracking system:

  • Create an issue-tracking template:

    • Specify the template name and description.

    • Specify parameters needed to connect to the desired issue-tracking system and the project and the type of the item to be created or modified.

    • Specify whether you will use the template to create or to modify an item. If the template will be used to modify an item, you should specify the item identifier.

    • Define the template field names, their order and map these field names to item field names.

  • After you created a template, TestComplete will generate the appropriate routine for it and will add this routine as a method to the IssueTracking program object. To create (or modify) an item, call this method in your script and pass the values of item field via method parameters.
    If the item was added (or modified) successfully, the method returns special object that lets you attach files and file links to the item.

To access templates from tests, you use methods of the IssueTracking object. The method’s name coincides with the template’s name.

See Also

About the CreateWorkItem Template
About Creating Issue-Tracking Templates
Integration With Issue-Tracking Systems
Creating Issue Reports for Test Results

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