Running Tests on Various Screen Resolution and Orientations

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

Screens can have various resolutions. The screens also can have a portrait or landscape orientation. Usually, applications adjust their layout to optimize the user experience in each screen size and orientation.

To test applications in various resolutions and orientations, you can add several variants of the control’s appearance to the control’s Image Strip collection:

Image-Based Testing: Extending a set of a control’s Images
Extending a set of a control’s Images

During the test run, to find a control by its image, TestComplete will check the images in the Image Strip collection until it finds the one that matches the current screen resolution or orientation (or until it checks all available images).

To learn how to add images to the Image Strip collection, see Working With Image Set Editor.

See Also

Image-Based Testing
Controlling Image Variations
How Image Comparison Works
Working With Image Set Editor

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