Viewing Additional Information for Messages

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

Messages posted to the log by keyword tests or script routines may include additional information that extends the primary message contents. This additional information can be text, an image, or a call stack. It helps you better understand what happened to your tested application or testing environment during the test run.

Note: Additional information is only available in the generic test log pages.

To view extended text of a message

  1. Select the desired message in the test log. TestComplete will update other log panels with the information relevant for the selected messages.

  2. Switch to the Details panel to view the extended text.

To view the image associated with a message

  1. Select the desired message in the test log.

  2. Switch to the Picture panel.

To view a call stack for a message

Typically, tests may call each other. For example, a keyword test may call a script routine and vice versa. The execution sequence may be even more complex and include several levels. Knowing this sequence may help you better understand what happened in your project during the run and find the cause of the problem.

Note: By default, the call stack information is available only for error messages, and only the error messages will have the Call Stack panel. For messages of another type, the Call Stack panel will not be displayed. To learn how to enable tracing the call stack for messages of another type, see Collecting Call Stack Information for Log Messages.

To view the run sequence of tests that led to posting a message to the log:

  1. Select the desired message in the test log.

  2. Switch to the Call Stack panel. This panel lists the execution sequence of tests that led to posting the selected message to the log.

You can then open the tests for editing by double-clicking the desired test in the Call Stack panel.

See Also

Viewing Test Results
Generic Test Log - Test Log Panel
Test Results

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