About Mobile Checkpoints

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021
Mobile checkpoints are deprecated. We do not recommend using them when creating new tests.

This topic provides you with general information on mobile checkpoints and contains the following sections:

How Mobile Checkpoints Work

A mobile checkpoint is a test operation that checks whether the specified UI element is displayed on the mobile device screen. In image-based tests, this may be necessary if you want to ensure that a control is visible on screen before simulating user actions over it. If the mobile checkpoint passes (that is, if the needed image is on the screen), the test engine returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

In keyword tests, you perform the check by using the Mobile Checkpoint operation.

In script tests, you perform the check by using the ImageSetItem.CheckImage method.

If you are working with an iOS device, your application running on the device must be prepared for testing. Otherwise, TestComplete will not be able to access the device’s screen. For information on how to prepare iOS applications for testing, see Preparing iOS Applications.

How to Create Mobile Checkpoints

To add a mobile checkpoint to your test:

Add the Mobile Checkpoint operation to your keyword test.

Specifying Images for Mobile Checkpoints

When creating a mobile checkpoint, you specify the image the checkpoint will search for on the mobile device screen. You can either select an existing image stored in the Image Repository collection or capture a new one. To capture a new image, select it from screen.

You can select an image corresponding to an accessibility element or you can select an arbitrary rectangular screen area.

For more information, see Image-Based Testing.

See Also

Mobile Checkpoints
Other Ways to Check Images on Screen
Image-Based Testing
Creating Tests for iOS Applications
Mobile Checkpoint Operation
About Checkpoints

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