Shape Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

Specifies the shape of the component.


Read-Write Property String
componentObj     One of the user forms components listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:

TBevel, TShape


The Shape property lets you get or set the shape of the component. For TBevel component, this property specifies the bevel shape - box, line and so on. For TShape component, this property specifies the geometric shape displayed by the component.

Property Value

The property value depends on the object type. The sections below list available property values for different objects.

Property Values Specific for TBevel Component
Value Description
bsBox The entire client area of the bevel appears lowered. This is the default value.
bsFrame The bevel has a lowered border.
bsTopLine The bevel displays a lowered line at the top of its client area.
bsBottomLine The bevel displays a lowered line at the bottom of its client area.
bsLeftLine The bevel displays a lowered line at the left edge of its client area.
bsRightLine The bevel displays a lowered line at the right edge of its client area.
bsSpacer The bevel does not have a border; it represents an empty space.
Property Values Specific for TShape Component
Value Description
stCircle The component displays a circle.
stEllipse The component displays an ellipse.
stRectangle The component displays a rectangle. This is the default value.
stRoundRect The component displays a rectangle with rounded corners.
stRoundSquare The component displays a square with rounded corners.
stSquare The component displays a square.
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