Height Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

Specifies the component’s height.


Read-Write Property Integer
componentObj     One of the user forms components listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:

TBevel, TcxButton, TcxButtonEdit, TcxCalcEdit, TcxCheckBox, TcxCurrencyEdit, TcxDateEdit, TcxGroupBox, TcxLabel, TcxListBox, TcxMemo, TcxMRUEdit, TcxProgressBar, TcxRadioGroup, TcxSpinEdit, TcxTextEdit, TcxTimeEdit, TImage, TObjectPicker, TPanel, TRectObjectPicker, TShape


The Height property lets you get or set the component’s height, in pixels.

Property Value

An integer value that specifies the component’s height, in pixels.


  • TcxButtonEdit, TcxCalcEdit, TcxCheckBox, TcxCurrencyEdit, TcxDateEdit, TcxMRUEdit, TcxProgressBar, TcxSpinEdit, TcxTextEdit, TcxTimeEdit:

    The value of the Height property is set automatically according to the component’s font size set via the Style property. The value you assign to the Height property in the Properties pane of the User Forms editor or from tests is ignored and replaced with the default value.

See Also

ClientHeight Property
ClientWidth Property
Left Property
Top Property
Width Property

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