View Menu

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

The View menu provides commands that affect the TestComplete visual representation. The available commands are:

Item Description
 Start Page Opens the Start Page window or brings this window to front if it is hidden. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+S shortcut.
 Project Explorer Opens the Project Explorer panel or brings this panel to front if it is hidden. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+E shortcut.
 Organize Tests Manages the list of tests to be run. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut.
 Object Browser Opens the Object Browser panel or brings this panel to front if it is hidden. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+O shortcut.
 Workspace Opens the Workspace panel or brings this panel to front if it is hidden. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+R shortcut.
Debug Contains a sub-menu that affects the debugging process.
Brings up the Breakpoints panel. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+B shortcut.
 Watch List
Brings up the Watch List panel. Alternatively, use the Alt+3 shortcut.
Brings up the Locals panel. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut.
 Call Stack
Brings up the Call Stack panel. Alternatively, use the Alt+7 shortcut.
 Select Panel Opens the Select Panel dialog. Alternatively, use the Alt+O shortcut.
Desktop Contains a sub-menu used to save and load docking settings. To learn more about docking TestComplete panels, see Docking.
Load Desktop
Loads a panel layout along with a toolbar layout from an external file.
Save Desktop As
Saves the current panel layout along with the toolbar layout to an external file.
 Restore Default Docking
Restores the default panel layout.
 Load Docking From File
Loads a layout from an existing .qtdock file.
 Save Docking to File
Saves the current layout to a .qtdock file.
Toolbars Contains a sub-menu that affects toolbar customization. To learn more about toolbar customization, see Working With TestComplete Toolbars and Menus.
Restore Default Toolbar
Restores the default toolbar settings.
Load Toolbar From File
Loads toolbar settings from the specified .aqtlb file.
Save Toolbar to File
Saves the current toolbar settings to a .aqtlb file.

See Also

TestComplete Menus
About Project Explorer
About Object Browser
About Breakpoints Panel
About Watch List Panel
Locals Panel
Call Stack Panel
Select Panel Dialog
Working With TestComplete Toolbars and Menus

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