TestedApp.WorkFolder Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021
This property is obsolete. See the Remarks section below.


A tested application can be run in Simple mode. The TestedApp.WorkFolder property specifies the path to the folder which becomes current for the given tested application after the application has been launched in Simple mode. This value is shown in the Working Folder text box of the Tested Applications collection of your project.



Read-Write Property String

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The path to the folder to become current for the application.


This property is obsolete. It is supported for backward-compatibility only and will not be available in future releases. It is not displayed in the Code Completion window.

To specify the working folder for the tested application to be launched in Simple mode, use the TestedAppSimpleParams.WorkFolder property.

You can use project or project suite variables in the string specifying the application’s working folder. The variable must also be a string type.

In the string specifying the working folder, the variable name must be enclosed in parenthesis and follow the dollar sign:


For example, “$(WorkingFolder)”.

When evaluating the value for the WorkFolder property, TestComplete first searches for the specified variable in the project variables, then in the project suite variables. Note this if you have project suite and project variables with the same name.

For more information on project and project suite variables, see Using Variables.

See Also

Path Property
Run Method
RunAll Method
WorkFolder Property
Run Modes and Parameters
WorkFolder Property
WorkFolder Property

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