JavaTestedApp Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

The JavaTestedApp object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
ApplicationArguments Specifies the command-line arguments that will be passed to the tested application.
AutorunOnRecording Specifies whether TestComplete launches the application automatically when the recording starts.
ClassPath Specifies the path(s) to the Java classes used in the tested application.
EntryPoint Specifies the full name of the class which is the application’s entry point.
ItemName Specifies the name of the tested application in the tested application’s collection.
JarFileName Specifies the full path to the .jar file of the tested application.
JVMCount Returns the number of Java Virtual Machines installed on the current computer.
JVMExecutable Specifies the full path to the Java Virtual Machine launcher used to start the tested application.
JVMInfo Returns information on the specified Java Virtual Machine installed on the current computer.
Launch Specifies whether the application should be launched.
Options Specifies the command-line options to be passed to the Java Virtual Machine launcher.
RunAsJar Specifies whether the tested application should be run from the .jar file.
WorkFolder Specifies the full path to the application's working folder.

See Also

JavaTestedApp Object
JavaTestedApp Object Methods

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