Regions.CreateRegionInfo Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021


Creates a RegionInfo object that corresponds to a rectangular area of the specified tested object. Use the resulting RegionInfo object to compare a specific area of the tested object with a stored baseline image. For more information on image comparison, see About Region Checkpoints.



AObject [in]    Required    Variant    
ClientX [in]    Required    Integer    
ClientY [in]    Required    Integer    
Width [in]    Required    Integer    
Height [in]    Required    Integer    
Mouse [in]    Optional    Boolean Default value: True   
Result A RegionInfo object

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameters:


Specifies the name of the object whose rectangular area you want to obtain.


Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangular area.


Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangular area.


Specifies the width of the rectangular area.


Specifies the height of the rectangular area.


Specifies whether the captured image of the specified area will contain the mouse pointer. The default value is True, which means that the image will contain the mouse pointer.

Result Value

The RegionInfo object that represents the specified rectangular area of the object.


To capture the image of the specified rectangular area, use the Picture method of the RegionInfo object.

If a region checkpoint compares a baseline image with the tested object’s rectangular area specified by the RegionInfo object, it performs comparison until the actual rectangular area matches the baseline image or until the timeout period specified by the Auto-wait timeout setting elapses. If a region checkpoint compares a baseline image with the Picture object, it returns the comparison results immediately.


The routine below demonstrates how to use the RegionInfo object to specify the area of the tested application and compare the area with the baseline image stored in the project’s Regions collection:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()

  // Specifies the window's region to be verified
  var reg = Regions.CreateRegionInfo(Sys.Process("TestedApp").Window("Main", "*"), 0, 0, 100, 150, false);
  // Compares the wndMain Stores item with the image of the specified region



def Test():
  # Specifies the window's region to be verified 
  reg = Regions.CreateRegionInfo(Sys.Process("TestedApp").Window("Main", "*"), 0, 0, 100, 150, False)
  # Compares the wndMain Stores item with the image of the specified region 


Sub Test

  ' Specifies the window's region to be verified
  Set reg = Regions.CreateRegionInfo(Sys.Process("TestedApp").Window("Main", "*"), 0, 0, 100, 150, false)
  ' Compares the wndMain Stores item with the image of the specified region

End Sub


procedure Test();
var reg: OleVariant;

  // Specifies the window's region to be verified
  reg := Regions.CreateRegionInfo(Sys.Process('TestedApp').Window('Main', '*'), 0, 0, 100, 150, false);
  // Compares the wndMain Stores item with the image of the specified region


C++Script, C#Script

function Test()

  // Specifies the window's region to be verified
  var reg = Regions["CreateRegionInfo"](Sys["Process"]("TestedApp")["Window"]("Main", "*"), 0, 0, 100, 150, false);
  // Compares the wndMain Stores item with the image of the specified region


See Also

Regions Object
Region Object
Check Method
About Region Checkpoints

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