Value Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

The object-driven testing (ODT) functionality is deprecated. Do not use it to create new tests. It will be removed from the product in one of the future releases. As an alternative, you can create custom classes in your scripts. For more information, see Alternatives to the ODT functionality.


Use the PropertyDeclaration.Value property to get or set the default value of the ODT class property from scripts. Note that if you modify the default value of a class property, the corresponding property value will also be modified in all objects that are based on this class and on the conditions that you have not changed in the object’s property, since the object was created.



Read-Write Property Variant
PropertyDeclarationObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a PropertyDeclaration object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The value that is to be used as a default for the specified property. It can be any OLEVariant-compatible value: string, integer, class, array, and so on, except OLE objects. See the Remarks section for details.


The Value property is used by default in the PropertyDeclaration object, so you can omit it when addressing the item value. For instance, the following two lines are equivalent:

JavaScript, JScript

MyClass.MyProperty.Value = 10;
MyClass.MyProperty = 10;


MyClass.MyProperty.Value = 10
MyClass.MyProperty = 10


MyClass.MyProperty.Value := 10;
MyClass.MyProperty := 10;

C++Script, C#Script

MyClass["MyProperty"]["Value"] = 10;
MyClass["MyProperty"] = 10;

When specifying property values of ODT classes, you cannot assign objects to them, except for those objects that are ODT arrays and classes. Other objects, for example process or window objects, cannot be ODT class property values.

You can only assign object values to properties of class instances, that is Object objects created using the Classes.New method. Note that in this case, you are working with a Property object that provides access to object properties in scripts.

The following code illustrates this restriction:


let w = Sys.Process("App").Window("WndClass", "WndCaption");

let oClass = ODT.Classes.Items("MyClass"); // Obtaining an ODT class
oClass.$set("Properties", "MyProperty", w);    // Incorrect!!! oClass is a class declaration

let oObj = ODT.Classes.New("MyClass"); // Creating a class instance
oObj.$set("Properties", "MyProperty", w);     // Correct: oObj is a class instance


var w = Sys.Process("App").Window("WndClass", "WndCaption");

var oClass = ODT.Classes.Items("MyClass"); // Obtaining an ODT class
oClass.Properties("MyProperty") = w;    // Incorrect!!! oClass is a class declaration

var oObj = ODT.Classes.New("MyClass"); // Creating a class instance
oObj.Properties("MyProperty") = w;     // Correct: oObj is a class instance


Set w = Sys.Process("App").Window("WndClass", "WndCaption")

Set oClass = ODT.Classes.Items("MyClass") ' Obtaining an ODT class
Set oClass.Properties("MyProperty") = w   ' Incorrect!!! oClass is a class declaration

Set oObj = ODT.Classes.New("MyClass") ' Creating a class instance
Set oObj.Properties("MyProperty") = w ' Correct: oObj is a class instance


  w, oClass, oObj: OleVariant;
w := Sys.Process('App').Window('WndClass', 'WndCaption');

oClass := ODT.Classes.Items('MyClass'); // Obtaining an ODT class
oClass.Properties('MyProperty') := w;   // Incorrect!!! oClass is a class declaration

oObj := ODT.Classes.New('MyClass'); // Creating a class instance
oObj.Properties('MyProperty') := w; // Correct: oObj is a class instance

C++Script, C#Script

var w = Sys["Process"]("App")["Window"]("WndClass", "WndCaption");

var oClass = ODT["Classes"]["Items"]("MyClass"); // Obtaining an ODT class
oClass["Properties"]("MyProperty") = w;          // Incorrect!!! oClass is a class declaration

var oObj = ODT["Classes"]["New"]("MyClass"); // Creating a class instance
oObj["Properties"]("MyProperty") = w;        // Correct: oObj is a class instance


The following example demonstrates how to obtain the property declaration and change the default property value in script.

JavaScript, JScript

function PropertyDeclarationSample()

  var SampleClass, PropDeclObj;
  // Obtains the existing class by its name
  SampleClass = ODT.Classes.Items("SampleClass");
  // Obtains the declaration of the class property
  PropDeclObj = SampleClass.Properties("PropertyName");
  // Specifies the property’s new default value
  PropDeclObj.Value = 10;



Sub PropertyDeclarationSample

  Dim SampleClass, PropDeclObj
  ' Obtains the existing class by its name
  Set SampleClass = ODT.Classes.Items("SampleClass")
  ' Obtains the declaration of the class property
  Set PropDeclObj = SampleClass.Properties("PropertyName")
  ' Specifies the property’s new default value
  PropDeclObj.Value = 10

End Sub


procedure PropertyDeclarationSample();
var SampleClass, PropDeclObj;

  // Obtains the existing class by its name
  SampleClass := ODT.Classes.Items('SampleClass');
  // Obtains the declaration of the class property
  PropDeclObj := SampleClass.Properties('PropertyName');
  // Specifies the property’s new default value
  PropDeclObj.Value := 10;


C++Script, C#Script

function PropertyDeclarationSample()

  var SampleClass, PropDeclObj;
  // Obtains the existing class by its name
  SampleClass = ODT["Classes"]["Items"]("SampleClass");
  // Obtains the declaration of the class property
  PropDeclObj = SampleClass["Properties"]("PropertyName");
  // Specifies the property’s new default value
  PropDeclObj["Value"] = 10;


See Also

Class Object
Name Property
Value Property

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