DbgServicesOptions Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

The DbgServices.Options object provides the following properties for getting and setting the DbgServices plugin’s options from tests:

Property List

Name Description
ActiveExceptions The Exceptions | Active option. Boolean. Read/Write.
DepthShown The Exceptions | Depth Shown option. Integer. Read/Write. Possible values: 0…500.
EnableEvents The Enable events option. Boolean. Read/Write.
ExtendedNETDebugger The Use extended debugger for managed code option. Boolean. Read/Write.
Priority The Priority option. Integer. Read/Write.
Note: The changes you made to DbgServices options in scripts are not persistent. That is, the changes exist only during the current test run, they are not saved to the DbgServices Options of your test project.

See Also

DbgServicesOptions Object

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