Append Log Folder Operation

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021


The Append Log Folder operation creates a new folder in the test log and makes this folder active so that all messages that are posted to the log, go to this folder.

Operation Result

The operation returns an integer value that specifies the identifier of the created folder.

Scripting Analogue

The action, which the operation performs, is analogue to the Log.AppendFolder scripting method.

Child Operations

The operation cannot have child operations.

Operation Parameters

The operation parameters are organized into the following pages:

Folder Caption

On this page you can specify the most frequently used parameters of the operation:


String that contains the caption of the created folder. This string will be displayed in the Message column of the test log.

Additional Info

String that specifies additional information to be associated with the folder. This information will be shown in the Details panel of the test log when the folder is selected.
Operation Parameters

On this page you can specify all of the parameters of the operation:


Folder caption. This is the value that you specified in the Caption edit box of the Folder Caption page. Str can hold data of any OLE-compatible type. If it cannot be converted to text, its value is ignored.


Additional text to be displayed in the Details panel of the test log (this is the same value that you specified in the Additional Information edit box of the Folder Caption page). AdditionalText can hold data of any type compatible with OLE. If it cannot be converted to text, its value is ignored.


Folder priority. You can use any integer number or any of the following constants:

Constant Value Description
pmLowest 100 The lowest priority of the folder.
pmLower 200 The folder priority which is lower than normal.
pmNormal 300 The normal (default) priority of the folder.
pmHigher 400 The folder priority which is higher than normal.
pmHighest 500 The highest priority of the folder.

For information on specifying the Priority parameter value, see Specifying Enumeration Values in Parameters.


The LogAttributes object that contains the font and color attributes to be applied to the folder in the test log.

You can create this object by using the Log Attributes operation or by using script code. In the latter case, to specify the parameter, you should use a script expression that returns a reference of the LogAttributes object or use a variable, test parameter or [Last Operation Result] value that contains the object reference.

If this parameter is omitted, default attributes will be applied.


An integer value that specifies the identifier of the test log’s folder, to which the new folder will be added as a subfolder. If this parameter refers to a non-existent folder, is omitted or is set to -1 (the default value), the operation will create the folder in the currently active folder.

The active folder is the folder that is currently at the top of the folder stack which is populated during the test execution. The Append Log Folder operation makes the newly created folder the active folder. To restore the active folder, you can use the Pop Log Folder operation or call the Log.PopLogFolder method.

See Also

Logging Category
Specifying Operation Parameters
Checking Operation Result
Using Folders
AppendFolder Method
Pop Log Folder Operation
Log Attributes Operation

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