About Unicode Support

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021


TestComplete supports Unicode and lets you test Unicode applications. You can record and run tests that simulate user actions, such as keyboard input, over Unicode applications, and modify these tests in the TestComplete IDE. Both script and keyword tests are Unicode-compatible. You can use them to test multi-language Unicode applications (using non-Unicode names for script functions and variables is not supported, though).

The Unicode support also means that:

  • You can post Unicode messages to the test log and you will be able to view them.

  • The Object Browser displays properties and captions of Unicode applications’ windows.

  • Name Mapping supports mapping of objects of Unicode applications by Unicode property values.

  • And so on.


  • To test Unicode applications with TestComplete, use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding for the script units of your test project. To set the encoding format, use the Units encoding property of your project. For more information on supported encodings and on how to set them, see Units Encoding.

  • Using East Asian languages requires that keyboard layouts with Input Method Editor (IME) support for the appropriate languages be installed on the computer. You can install IMEs via Control Panel | Regional and Language Options. For more information, see Windows documentation.

See Also

Project Properties - General Options
Units Encoding
Exploring Applications
Setting the System Language Manually
Setting the System Language From Scripts

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