Integration With Zephyr for Jira - Tutorial

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

TestComplete supports integration with Zephyr for Jira and enables you to automate Zephyr test cases in your Jira projects with TestComplete tests.

In this tutorial, we explain how you can connect to a Jira project from TestComplete, how to assign TestComplete tests to Zephyr test cases as test automations, and how to run these test automations and view their results.

If you are a novice user, we recommend that you first go through the Getting Started tutorial to get familiar with TestComplete.

About This Tutorial

In this tutorial, we assume that you are already familiar with Jira and have a Jira project with test cases that you want to automate.


To complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • A Jira account. If you do not have a Jira account, you can sign up for a free trial.

  • The Zephyr for Jira app installed on your Jira server. If you do not have the app, you can install a trial version.

    To learn how to install the app, see the Installation section of the app in Atlassian Marketplace.

  • The ZAPI app installed on your Jira server. If you do not have the app, you can install a trial version.

    To learn how to install the app, see the Installation section of the app in Atlassian Marketplace.

  • A classic Jira project. If you do not have a suitable Jira project, you can create one. To learn how to do this, see Create a project in the Jira documentation.

    Currently, Zephyr for Jira does not support next-gen Jira projects.

  • At least one Zephyr test case must be added to your Jira project. You will assign your TestComplete test to that test case. To learn how to create Zephyr tests, see Create Tests (for Jira Cloud) or Create Tests (for Jira Server).

  • TestComplete 14.10 (or later).

  • The Zephyr for Jira Integration plugin must be enabled in TestComplete. By default, this plugin is installed and enabled automatically when you install TestComplete.

  • A TestComplete project with a test you will use to automate your Zephyr test case.

    Note: If you are new to TestComplete, we recommend that you first go through the Getting Started tutorial to learn how to create projects and record tests.

  • Your computer (where TestComplete is installed) must be able to access your Jira project.

Projects Used in This Tutorial

In this tutorial, we use a sample Jira project called WebStore:

Sample Jira project

Click the image to enlarge it.

The project already has the Zephyr for Jira Cloud app installed and configured:

Zephyr add-ons installed in Jira

Click the image to enlarge it.

In addition, our sample Jira project already contains several test cases we would like to automate:

Zephyr test cases in Jira

Click the image to enlarge it.

1. Get Zephyr API Keys (For Zephyr for Jira Cloud)

If you use Zephyr for Jira Cloud, you will need Zephyr API keys to access Zephyr test cases from TestComplete:

Note: If you use Zephyr for Jira Server, skip this step.

  1. Open your web browser and connect to your Jira project.

  2. In the Jira main menu, click Tests.

  3. In the Importer section, click API Keys.

  4. If no keys have been generated yet, click Generate new key.

  5. Copy the generated Access key and Secret key.

Copying Zephyr API keys

Click the image to enlarge it.

Note: It may take some time for newly generated keys to become active. TestComplete will not be able to access your Zephyr test cases until the keys become active.

2. Configure Your TestComplete Project

  1. Launch TestComplete and open the project that contains the tests you want to use as automations for your Zephyr test cases.

    If you do not have suitable tests, create them.

  2. Click Connect to Zephyr for Jira on the TestComplete toolbar.

  3. On the resulting Properties > Zephyr for Jira page of the project, specify the connection settings:

    Set connection settings

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. To make sure the specified connection settings are valid and your TestComplete project can connect to your Jira server, click Test Connection.

    Test connection
  5. In the Project text box, click the ellipsis button and select your Jira project:

    Selecting a Jira project

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  6. You can also specify the project’s release and test cycle to which the test results will be sent. You can also specify them later by using command line arguments. The arguments can be helpful when you run your tests automatically, for example, from your CI system.

    In this tutorial, we will run our tests manually, so we will specify the release version and test cycle on the Zephyr for Jira page of the project.

    In the Version text box, click the ellipsis button and select the needed release from the resulting Select Release Version dialog:

    Selecting a Jira project’s release version

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    In the Cycle text box, click the ellipsis button and select the needed test cycle from the resulting Select Cycle dialog:

    Selecting a Jira project’s test cycle

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Note: If you do not specify a release version, TestComplete will send the test results to the default Unscheduled version. If you do not specify a test cycle, TestComplete will send the test results to the default Ad hoc test cycle.

  7. Save the changes.

3. Assign TestComplete Test Items to Zephyr Test Cases

  1. Switch to the Test Items page of your project. This page specifies the tests to be run when you run your test project.

    If your project does not have test items, create them

    In our sample WebStore_Sample_Project project, we have several test items specified:

    Test items of the WebStore_Sample_Project

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. Make sure the test item you want to use is marked as a test case. Only those items that are marked as test cases can be used to automate Zephyr test cases.

  3. Select the needed test case and click the ellipsis button in its Link to external test case column.

  4. TestComplete will connect to your Jira project and show the Link to External Test Case wizard with a list of available test cases:

    Selecting a Zephyr test case to automate

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Select the needed test case and click Finish.

  5. If needed, repeat steps 1–3 to assign more test cases to the Zephyr test cases.

  6. Save the changes.

4. Run TestComplete Tests

To execute test automations assigned to Zephyr test cases, you run the appropriate test cases in TestComplete. You can run test cases from the TestComplete UI, or you can run them from the command line or from your CI system.

For simplicity, in this tutorial, we will run a test case from the TestComplete UI:

  1. Select the test case assigned to a Zephyr test case and click Run Focused Item on the toolbar.

  2. TestComplete will run the test case and send the test item results to Jira:

    Sending test results to Jira

    Click the image to enlarge it.

5. View TestComplete Test Results in Jira

In Jira, you can view TestComplete test results the same way you view test case executions. If a TestComplete test case is executed without errors, the test execution status in Jira will be Pass:

Test results assinged to the test execution in Jira - Pass

Click the image to enlarge it.

Otherwise, the test execution status will be Fail:

Test results assinged to the test execution in Jira - Fail

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can view the first error message posted to the TestComplete test log in the Comment section of the test execution in Jira. The screenshot of your computer’s desktop will also be attached to the execution.


This concludes the tutorial. You have assigned a TestComplete test to a Zephyr test case in a Jira project and run the test. As you can see, automating test cases with TestComplete is easy.

To learn more about TestComplete integration with Zephyr for Jira, see the following topics:

See Also

Integration With Zephyr for Jira
Creating Your First Test

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