Properties Dialog (Subversion Integration)

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Properties dialog lets you modify source-control properties of your TestComplete project suite or project that is added to the Subversion source control system. This dialog is invoked when you right-click the project suite or project added to the Subversion source control system in the Project Explorer panel and select Source Control | Properties from the context menu.

The properties are organized into the following pages:


This page lets you specify the arbitrarily named versioned properties for files and directories and unversioned properties for revisions.

To specify a new property, click the Add button and use the ensuing Add Property dialog.


This page contains information about the project suite (project) added to the source control system: the name of the project suite, the repository root directory, the repository UUID, the working copy revision number, etc.

Client Options

The page contains the following options:

  • Use the current Windows user name as the default login name - Specify whether Subversion should use the current Windows user name as default to access the repository.
  • Use cached authentication information - Specify whether Subversion should make use of the cached data available to it.
  • Use locks for checked-out files - Specify whether files should be locked for check-out.

See Also

Add Property Dialog (Subversion Integration)
Browse Subversion Repository Dialog
Integration With Subversion via SCC API Providers (Legacy)
Integration With Source Control Systems

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