BDE Support - Requirements

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

If your applications use the Borland Database Engine to manage databases and tables, you can have the same access from your TestComplete scripts. For instance, by querying the database engine directly, you can check whether your New Client dialog actually updates the database, as opposed to leaving the new record in a local buffer.

To access the BDE from scripts, you must have the BDE Support plugin enabled.

This plugin is installed and enabled during TestComplete installation automatically.

To check whether the plugin is active, open the File | Install Extensions dialog.

The BDE Support plugin is not available in TestComplete 64-bit.

The BDE Support plugin exports a number of data-aware OLE interfaces that are close analogues of data-aware VCL objects:

Interfaces in BDE Support Plugin VCL Analogue
IAQADataset TDataset
IAQABDEDataset TBDEDataset
IAQADBDataset TDBDataset
IAQATable TTable
IAQAQuery TQuery
IAQAStoredProc TStoredProc
IAQADatabase TDatabase
IAQAIndexDef TIndexDef
IAQAFieldDef TFieldDef
IAQAIndexDefs TIndexDefs
IAQAFieldDefs TFieldDefs
IAQAParam TParam
IAQAParams TParams
IAQADataField TField
IAQABookmark TBookmark
IAQABookmarkStr TBookmarkStr

The BDE interfaces implement the same methods and properties as their VCL analogues, using the same names. See the Borland VCL documentation for the matching classes, it applies equally to the BDE Support plugin.

Of course, just like the VCL classes, the BDE interfaces only work if the Borland Database Engine is installed.

See Also

BDE Object
Working With Databases
ADO Support - Requirements
Installing Extensions

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