Android Application Parameters

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

TestComplete can automatically instrument, install and launch applications on Android mobile devices. To enable TestComplete to do this, you need to add the application’s .apk file to the Tested Applications collection of your test project (see Adding Android Applications to the List of Tested Applications). This topic describes the parameters of the Android applications listed in the Tested Applications project item.


  • We recommend that you instrument your Android application. You can do this in the Eclipse IDE, Android Studio, through the TestComplete UI, or you can create script code that will instrument the application during the test run. This enables TestComplete to identify individual UI elements in your application, so you can perform object-based testing. Without this, you can use only image-based testing.

  • The .apk file must be located on the TestComplete computer or in a shared network location accessible from the TestComplete computer.

Basic Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The unique name of the tested application in the Tested Applications collection. This name is used to refer to the application in tests, for example, in the Run TestedApp keyword test operation.
Autorun application on recording Select this option to automatically install and/or launch the application on the device every time you start test recording.
Note that the application should be installed on the Android device, emulator or virtual machine before you start recording.
Launch application from tests If selected, TestComplete both installs and launches the application on the device. If unselected, TestComplete just installs the application on the device, but does not launch it.

Run-Mode Parameters

Parameter Description
Android application package file The name and path of the .apk file on the TestComplete computer or in a network share. You can enter the path manually or click the button and browse for the needed file.

The path can be fully-qualified or it can be relative to the project folder. To switch between the fully-qualified and relative path representations, click the drop-down button and select the desired path in the drop-down box.

The file path can include environment variables, such as %USERPROFILE%, as well as project and project suite variables in the format $(VarName). For more information, see Using Variables in Tested Application Paths.

Deploy to the device on start If selected, TestComplete installs (or reinstalls) the application on the device before launching it. If unselected, TestComplete launches an already installed copy of the application.

To keep application data during the reinstallation, select the Keep the data and cache directories on removal option (see below).

Grant all permissions listed in the application manifest after package install To automatically grant all permissions the application needs, select this check box.
Keep the data and cache directories on removal Select this check box to keep the application data on the device when you reinstall the application or after you remove it.
Instrument If you need to prepare your Android application for testing, click this button. TestComplete will display the Instrument Android Application wizard, which you can use to instrument the application.

See Also

About Tested Applications
Testing Android Applications
Adding Android Applications to the List of Tested Applications
About TestedApps Editor
Using Variables in Tested Application Paths

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