Converting the Entire Manual Test to Keyword Tests

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The manual testing functionality is deprecated. Do not use it to create new tests. It will be removed from the product in one of the future releases.

TestComplete provides the ability to convert manual test steps with the HTML or XML+XSL content to keyword tests. This topic explains how you can convert the entire manual test to a collection of keyword tests that will automatically perform actions described in the HTML or XML+XSL format in the steps of the manual test. To learn how to convert an individual test step with the HTML or XML+XSL content to a keyword test, see Converting Individual Manual Test Steps to Keyword Tests.

During the conversion process, TestComplete displays instructions of each manual test step with the HTML or XML+XSL content in the Step Recording dialog, one by one. At the same time, TestComplete records new keyword tests for each of the steps. To convert a manual test step properly, you need to manually perform all its instructions shown in the Step Recording dialog while recording an appropriate keyword test.

To convert your manual test to a collection of keyword tests, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Test steps list on the left side of the Manual Test Editor, select a test step.
  2. Click the Convert Manual Test to Keyword Test button on the toolbar located above the list.

    -- or --

    Right-click the step and select Convert Test to Keyword Test from the context menu.

    This will invoke the Step Recording dialog displaying instructions of the first test step with the HTML or XML+XSL content. At the same time, TestComplete will start recording the resulting keyword test for this step and will display the Recording toolbar.

  3. Perform actions described in the Step Recording dialog that is shown for the test step being currently converted. All of the actions which you perform relying on the description shown in the dialog will be recorded as a keyword test.

    If you do not want to convert the current step for which the Step Recording dialog shows instructions, you can click the Skip Step button in the dialog and start converting the next step.

  4. When you finish recording the current step’s actions, click the Complete button in the Step Recording dialog to stop recording the keyword test for the current step and close the dialog.

    After that, TestComplete will start recording a keyword test for the next test step which has the HTML or XML+XSL content, and the appropriate instructions will be displayed in the Step Recording dialog.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to record keyword tests for all the needed steps of the HTML or XML+XSL content type in the same manner as described in these steps.
    Note: If you click the Stop button on the Recording toolbar during the recording process, TestComplete will stop the recording at all and will not convert the rest of the test steps. So, use the Complete button of the Step Recording dialog to finish the current test step conversion and move to the next step. You can use the Stop button when you finish converting the last test step or if you do not want to process the rest of the test steps.

After the recording is over, TestComplete saves the newly recorded keyword tests, assigns them to the appropriate manual test steps and changes the HTML (or XML+XSL) content type of the steps to the Keyword Test content type. Captions of the converted steps are used as names of the newly created keyword tests. If a test step has a caption which is not a valid keyword test name (for instance, if the caption contains space characters), such a caption is transformed into a valid keyword test name, and TestComplete asks whether you want to use this name or not. Also, TestComplete suggests creating a common keyword test that will combine all of the test steps of the Keyword Test content type and run them one by one.

Since keyword tests are created, they will be run during the manual test execution, and the actions that were specified for the steps in the HTML or XML+XSL format will be automatically performed as keyword tests by TestComplete.

See Also

Manual Testing
Converting Manual Tests to Keyword Tests
Converting Individual Manual Test Steps to Keyword Tests
Using Keyword Tests in Manual Tests

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